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The GetDefaultAudioEndpoint method retrieves the default audio endpoint for the specified data-flow direction and role.

HRESULT GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(
  EDataFlow  dataFlow,
  ERole  role,
  IMMDevice  **ppDevice



[in]  The data-flow direction for the endpoint device. The caller should set this parameter to one of the following two EDataFlow enumeration values:



The data-flow direction for a rendering device is eRender. The data-flow direction for a capture device is eCapture.


[in]  The role of the endpoint device. The caller should set this parameter to one of the following ERole enumeration values:




For more information, see Remarks.


[out]  Pointer to a pointer variable into which the method writes the address of the IMMDevice interface of the endpoint object for the default audio endpoint device. Through this method, the caller obtains a counted reference to the interface. The caller is responsible for releasing the interface, when it is no longer needed, by calling the interface's Release method. If the GetDefaultAudioEndpoint call fails, *ppDevice is NULL.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, possible return codes include, but are not limited to, the values shown in the following table.

Return code Description
E_POINTER Parameter ppDevice is NULL.
E_INVALIDARG Parameter dataFlow or role is out of range.
E_NOTFOUND No device is available.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory.


  • Note   In Windows Vista, the MMDevice API supports device roles but the system-supplied user interface programs do not. The user interface in Windows Vista enables the user to select a default audio device for rendering and a default audio device for capture. When the user changes the default rendering or capture device, the system assigns all three device roles (eConsole, eMultimedia, and eCommunications) to that device. Thus, GetDefaultAudioEndpoint always selects the default rendering or capture device, regardless of which role is indicated by the role parameter. In a future version of Windows, the user interface might enable the user to assign individual roles to different devices. In that case, the selection of a rendering or capture device by GetDefaultAudioEndpoint might depend on the role parameter. Thus, the behavior of an audio application developed to run in Windows Vista might change when run in a future version of Windows. For more information, see Device Roles in Windows Vista.

This method retrieves the default endpoint device for the specified data-flow direction (rendering or capture) and role. For example, a client can get the default console playback device by making the following call:

  hr = pDevEnum->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(
                   eRender, eConsole, &pDeviceOut);

In the preceding code fragment, variable hr is of type HRESULT, pDevEnum is a pointer to an IMMDeviceEnumerator interface, and pDeviceOut is a pointer to an IMMDevice interface.

A Windows system might contain some combination of audio endpoint devices such as desktop speakers, high-fidelity headphones, desktop microphones, headsets with speaker and microphones, and high-fidelity multichannel speakers. The user can assign appropriate roles to the devices. For example, an application that manages voice communications streams can call GetDefaultAudioEndpoint to identify the designated rendering and capture devices for that role.

If only a single rendering or capture device is available, the system always assigns all three rendering or capture roles to that device. If the method fails to find a rendering or capture device for the specified role, this means that no rendering or capture device is available at all. If no device is available, the method sets *ppEndpoint = NULL and returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND.

For code examples that call the GetDefaultAudioEndpoint method, see the following topics:


Client: Windows Vista

Header: Include Mmdeviceapi.h.

See Also

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