다음을 통해 공유


Include the standard header <chrono> to define classes and functions that represent and manipulate time durations and time instants.

#include <chrono>




duration 클래스

Describes a type that holds a time interval.

steady_clock 클래스

이 steady 시계를 나타냅니다.

time_point 클래스

Describes a type that represents a point in time.




common_type 구조체

Describes specializations of template class common_type for instantiations of duration and time_point.

duration_values 구조체

Provides specific values for the duration template parameter Rep.

system_clock 구조체

시스템의 실시간 시계를 기반으로한 시계 유형 을 나타냅니다.

treat_as_floating_point 구조체

Specifies whether a type can be treated as a floating-point type.




duration_cast 함수

지정된 형식을 duration 개체로 캐스트 합니다.

time_point_cast 함수

지정된 형식을 time_point 개체로 캐스트 합니다.




operator- 연산자(STL)

Operator for subtraction or negation of duration and time_point objects.

operator!= 연산자(STL)

Inequality operator that is used with duration or time_point objects.

operator % 연산자(STL)

Operator for modulo operations on duration objects.

operator* 연산자(STL)

Multiplication operator for duration objects.

operator/ 연산자(STL)

Division operator for duration objects.

operator+ 연산자(STL)

Adds duration and time_point objects.

operator< 연산자(STL)

Determines whether one duration or time_point object is less than another duration or time_point object.

operator<= 연산자(STL)

Determines whether one duration or time_point object is less than or equal to another duration or time_point object.

operator== 연산자(STL)

duration 개체가 같은 기간 동안 시간 간격을 보여주는 여부 혹은 두 time_point 개체가 동일한 시간을 나타내는 여부를 결정합니다.

operator> 연산자(STL)

Determines whether one duration or time_point object is greater than another duration or time_point object.

operator>= 연산자(STL)

Determines whether one duration or time_point object is greater than or equal to another duration or time_point object.

Predefined Duration Types

For more information about ratio types that are used in the following typedefs, see <ratio>.

형식 정의


typedef duration<long long, nano> nanoseconds;

Synonym for a duration type that has a tick period of one nanosecond.

typedef duration<long long, micro> microseconds;

Synonym for a duration type that has a tick period of one microsecond.

typedef duration<long long, milli> milliseconds;

Synonym for a duration type that has a tick period of one millisecond.

typedef duration<long long> seconds;

Synonym for a duration type that has a tick period of one second.

typedef duration<int, ratio<60> > minutes;

Synonym for a duration type that has a tick period of one minute.

typedef duration<int, ratio<3600> > hours;

Synonym for a duration type that has a tick period of one hour.

참고 항목

기타 리소스

C++ 표준 라이브러리 헤더 파일