Use this function to throw an exception within an OLE automation function.
void AFXAPI AfxThrowOleDispatchException(
WORD wCode,
LPCSTR lpszDescription,
UINT nHelpID = 0
void AFXAPI AfxThrowOleDispatchException(
WORD wCode,
UINT nDescriptionID,
UINT nHelpID = -1
매개 변수
An error code specific to your application.lpszDescription
Verbal description of the error.nDescriptionID
Resource ID for the verbal error description.nHelpID
A help context for your application's help (.HLP) file.
The information provided to this function can be displayed by the driving application (Microsoft Visual Basic or another OLE automation client application).
// Sort is method of automation class CStrArrayDoc
long CStrArrayDoc::Sort(VARIANT* vArray)
// Type check VARIANT parameter. It should contain a BSTR array
// passed by reference. The array must be passed by reference; it is
// an in-out-parameter.
// throwing COleDispatchException allows the EXCEPINFO structure of
// IDispatch::Invoke() to set
if (V_VT(vArray) != (VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR))
_T("Type Mismatch in Parameter. Pass a string array by reference"));
// ...
// ...
return 0;
요구 사항
Header: <afxdisp.h>