다음을 통해 공유


Pre- and postdecrement member operators perform a decrement on the stored iterator.

move_iterator& operator--();
move_iterator operator--();

속성 값/반환 값

The predecrement operator returns the value referenced by stored iterator after the decrement.

The postdecrement operator grabs a copy of the value referred to by the stored iterator before the decrement operation affects the stored iterator. The operator returns that value. The returned value is not affected by the decrement.


The first member operator (predecrement) decrements the stored iterator. Then returns *this.

The second (postdecrement) operator makes a copy of *this, evaluates --*this. Then returns the copy.

요구 사항

헤더: <iterator>

네임스페이스: std

참고 항목


move_iterator 클래스


표준 템플릿 라이브러리

기타 리소스

move_iterator 멤버

<iterator> 멤버