다음을 통해 공유


Increments the stored iterator that belongs to this move_iterator. The current element is accessed by the postincrement operator. The next element is accessed by the preincrement operator.

move_iterator& operator++();
move_iterator operator++(int);

속성 값/반환 값

The preincrement version of the operator returns *this.

The postincrement version of the operator returns a copy of *this made before the operator evaluates ++*this.


The first (preincrement) operator increments the stored iterator. Then returns *this.

The second (postincrement) operator makes a copy of *this, evaluates ++*this. Then returns the copy.

요구 사항

헤더: <iterator>

네임스페이스: std

참고 항목


move_iterator 클래스


표준 템플릿 라이브러리

기타 리소스

move_iterator 멤버

<iterator> 멤버