Tests for one object being greater than or equal to a second object.
template<class Type1, class Del1, class Type2, class Del2>
bool operator>=(
const unique_ptr<Type1, Del1>& _Left,
const unique_ptr<Type2, Del2>& _Right
template<class Ty1, class Ty2>
bool operator>=(
const shared_ptr<Ty1>& _Left,
const shared_ptr<Ty2>& _Right
매개 변수
One of the objects to be compared._Right
One of the objects to be compared.Ty1
The type controlled by the left shared pointer.Ty2
The type controlled by the right shared pointer.
속성 값/반환 값
Returns true if _Left is greater than or equal to _Right, and false if it is not.
The template operators return _Left.get() >= _Right.get().
요구 사항
헤더 <memory>
네임스페이스: std