Returns a ForwardIterator that is set to the last element that is in sorted order from a specified range.
The second version lets you provide a BinaryPredicate function that returns true when two given elements are in sorted order, and false otherwise.
template<class ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator is_sorted_until(
ForwardIterator _First,
ForwardIterator _Last
template<class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
ForwardIterator is_sorted_until(
ForwardIterator _First,
ForwardIterator _Last,
BinaryPredicate _Comp
매개 변수
A forward iterator that indicates where the range to check starts._Last
A forward iterator that indicates the end of a range._Comp
The condition to test to determine an order between two elements. A predicate takes a single argument and returns true or false.
반환 값
Returns a ForwardIterator set to the last element in sorted order. The sorted sequence starts from _First.
The first template function returns the last iterator next in [_First, _Last] so that [_First, next) is a sorted sequence ordered by operator<. If distance() < 2 the function returns _Last.
The second template function behaves the same, except that it replaces operator<(X, Y) with _Comp(X, Y).
요구 사항
헤더: <algorithm>
네임스페이스: std