다음을 통해 공유

CAPTION Function (RecordRef)

Gets the caption of the table that is currently selected. Returns an error if no table is selected.


Caption := RecordRef.CAPTION  


Type: RecordRef

The RecordRef that identifies the table in which you are interested.

Property Value/Return Value

Type: Text

The caption of the table.


This function works just like the TABLECAPTION Function (Record).


The following example selects tables 3 through 5 and opens each table as a RecordRef variable that is named MyRecordRef. The CAPTION function uses the RecorRef variable to retrieve the caption for each of the tables and displays the table number and the caption in a message box. The CLOSE Function (RecordRef) closes the table. This example requires that you create the following variables and text constant in the C/AL Globals window.

Variable name DataType
MyRecordRef RecordRef
varCaption Text
i Integer
Text constant name DataType ENU value
Text000 Text Table No: %1 Caption: %2
FOR i := 3 TO 6 DO BEGIN  
varCaption := MyRecordRef.CAPTION;  
MESSAGE(Text000, i, varCaption);  

This example displays the following:

Table No: 3 Caption: Payment terms

Table No: 4 Caption: Currency

Table No: 5 Caption: Finance Charge Terms

See Also

RecordRef Data Type