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File Non Euro SEPA Payments Batch Job

Shows detailed information about Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) credit transfers that you can use to file non-euro SEPA payments with the bank.


Field Description

Journal Template Name

Specify the general journal template for the non-euro SEPA payment report.

Journal Batch

Specify the general journal batch for the non-euro SEPA payment report.

Post General Journal Lines

Specify if you want to transfer the payment lines to the general ledger.

Include Dimensions

Enter the dimensions that you want to include in the non-euro SEPA payment report. The option is only available if the Summarize Gen. Jnl. Lines field in the Electronic Banking Setup window is activated.

Execution Date

Enter an execution date if you want an execution date that differs from the posting date on the payment lines.

File Name

Enter the name of the file, including the drive and folder, to which you want to print the report.


For more information on how to work with batch jobs, see How to: Run Batch Jobs and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


How to: Activate SEPA Payments


File SEPA Payments