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How to: Print Depreciation Book Reports

The Depreciation Book is a fiscal report that is sorted by year and item class. The Depreciation Book report shows changes in fixed asset stock in a given year by item class, rather than by the individual items. The Depreciation Book report is run after the depreciation method has been set up and assets have been entered.

To print depreciation book reports

  1. In the Search box, enter Fixed Assets, and then choose the related link.

  2. Under Reports and Analysis, in the Reports section, choose Depreciation Book.

  3. Expand the Options FastTab.

  4. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Depreciation Book

    The depreciation book to be printed.

    Starting Date

    Sets the start date.

    Ending Date

    Sets the end date.

    Print per Fixed Asset

    Select to print the report for each fixed asset.

  5. Expand the Fixed Asset FastTab, and then select the appropriate filters.

  6. Choose the Print button to print the report or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

See Also


How to: Create Multiple Fixed Asset Cards
How to: Set Up Compressed Depreciation of Fixed Assets


Italian Fixed Assets

Other Resources

Setting Up Depreciation Books