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Sales Invoice Discounts and Service Charges

When you use invoice discounts, the size of the invoice amount determines the size of the discount that is granted.

In the Cust. Invoice Discounts window, you can also add a service charge to invoices over a certain amount.

Before you can use invoice discounts with sales, you must enter certain information in the program. You must decide:

  • which customers will be granted this type of discount.

  • which discount percentages you will use.

Automatic Calculation of Invoice Discounts

If you want the program to automatically calculate invoice discounts, you can set this up in the Sales & Receivables Setup window.

Setting Up Invoice Discount Terms

For each customer, you can specify whether you will grant invoice discounts if the requirement is satisfied (that is, if the invoice amount is large enough). You can define the terms of the invoice discount in LCY for domestic customers and in foreign currency for foreign customers.

You link discount percentages to specific invoice amounts in Cust. Invoice Discounts windows. You can enter any number of percentages in each window. Each customer can have its own window, or you can link several customers to the same window.

In addition to (or instead of) a discount percentage, you can link a service charge amount to a specific invoice amount.


Before you start entering this information in the program, it is a good idea to prepare an outline of the discount structure you want to use. This makes it easier to see which customers can be linked to the same invoice discount window. The fewer windows you have to set up, the faster you can enter the basic information.

See Also


How to: Set Up and Assign Sales Invoice Discount Codes
How to: Invoice with Sales Invoice Discounts in Foreign Currencies
How to: Invoice with Sales Invoice Discounts in LCY