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Date Compress VAT Entries Batch Job

Compresses VAT entries and combines them so that they take up less space in the database. You can only compress entries from closed fiscal years.

The compression works by combining several old entries into one new entry. For example, VAT entries from previous fiscal years can be compressed so that there is only one credit and one debit entry per account per month. The amount in the new entry is the sum of all the compressed entries. The date assigned is the starting date for the period that is compressed, such as the first day of the month, if the entries are compressed by month. After the compression you can still see the net change for each account in the previous fiscal year.

After the compression the contents of the following fields are always retained: Posting Date, Type, Closed, Gen. Bus. Posting Group, Gen. Prod. Posting Group, VAT Calculation Type, Base, and Amount. With the Retain Field Contents facility, you can also retain the contents of the following additional fields: Document No., Bill-to/Pay-to No., EU 3-Party Trade, Country/Region Code, and Internal Ref. No..

The number of entries that result from a Date Compr. G/L Budget Entries batch job depends on the number of filters that you set, the fields that are combined, and the period length that you choose. There is always at least one entry. When the batch job is finished, you can see the result in the Date Compr. Registers window.


Date compression deletes entries, so you should always make a backup copy of the database before you run the batch job.


Field Description

Starting Date

Enter the first date to be included in the date compression. The compression affects all VAT entries from this date to the Ending Date field.

Ending Date

Enter the last date to be included in the date compression. The compression affects all VAT entries from the Starting Date field.

Period Length

Select the length of the period whose entries will be combined. To see the options choose the field. If you select the period length Quarter, Month, or Week, then only entries with a common accounting period are compressed.

Retain Field Contents

Select if you want to retain the contents of certain fields even though the entries are compressed. The more fields that you select, the more detailed the compressed entries are. If you do not select any of these fields, the batch job creates one entry per day, week, or another period, according to the period selected in the Period Length field.

Document No.

Select if you want to retain the contents of the Document No. field.

Bill-to/Pay-to No.

Select if you want to retain the contents of the Bill-to/Pay-to No. field.

EU 3-Party Trade

Select if you want to retain the contents of the EU 3-Party Trade field.

Country/Region Code

Select if you want to retain the contents of the Country/Region Code field.

Internal Ref. No.

Select if you want to retain the contents of the Internal Ref. No. field.


For more information on how to work with batch jobs, see How to: Run Batch Jobs and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also

Other Resources

VAT Entry