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How to: Print Swiss VAT Statements (older version)


This topic is retained for backward compatibility with the Swiss VAT Statement report. For information about using the newer Swiss VAT Statement, see Swiss VAT Statement.

The Swiss VAT Statement is the standard calculation report for realizing VAT. You can print this report, and use it for quarterly tax reporting. The Swiss VAT Statement includes:

  • A VAT entry.

  • VAT adjusting entries.

  • An accounting sheet.

To print the Swiss VAT statement

  1. In the Search box, enter Swiss VAT Statement, and then choose the related link.


    You will receive a message stating that the Swiss VAT Statement will open in the local language.

  2. On the Options FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Closed with Journal no.

    Select the general ledger journals that contain the posting source of the VAT adjusting entries. This field evaluates accounting periods that have already been settled.

    Open until date

    Select the last date for settling open or unsettled VAT entries.

    Show Postings

    Specifies if all of the VAT entries for each group will be printed.

    Show Chargeback

    Specifies if VAT entries and general ledger entries with closed summaries or reposted tax will be printed.

    Normal rate VAT %

    Select the current typical VAT rates used to assign the correct rates to the business and product groups defined in the VAT settings.

    Reduced rate VAT %

    Select the current reduced tax rates used to assign the correct rates to the business and product groups defined in the VAT settings.

    Special rate VAT %

    Select the current special tax rates used to assign the correct rates to the business and product groups defined in the VAT settings.

    Investment/Operating Purchase VAT G/L Account

    Select the VAT general ledger account.

    Own Consumption Bus. Group

    Select the business and product group for own consumptions.

    Service Foreign Bus. Group

    Select the foreign service business and product group.

    Export Bus. Group

    Select the business and product group for exports.

  3. Choose the Print button to print the VAT statement or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

See Also


Swiss Value Added Tax
VAT Rates for Switzerland

Other Resources

VAT Posting Setup Table
General Ledger Setup Table
VAT Entry Table