다음을 통해 공유

Inventory Posting Group Table

Contains information about the general groupings of items in your inventory.

In this table, you can group items in your inventory in order to link G/L accounts to groups rather than to specific items. When you have grouped your items, you can link a code and information about the inventory accounts to combinations of inventory posting groups and locations and from there to each item.

This means that you can enter an inventory posting group code in the Inventory Posting Group field on each item card, and information about posting will automatically follow.

The inventory posting groups also allow you to group items for statistical purposes. Batch jobs, such as the Post Inventory Cost to G/L, use inventory posting groups to list the results.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Code Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Inventory
Description Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Inventory
Purch. Amt. Diff Charge (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Deleted Topics
Sales PD Charge FCY (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge Conv. (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. Amt. Diff. Alloc. Type Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Deleted Topics
Purch. PD Charge FCY (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales PD Charge Conv. (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales PD Charge FCY (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge Conv. (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge FCY (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales PD Charge Conv. (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Code Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Inventory
Description Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Inventory
Sales PD Charge FCY (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge Conv. (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge FCY (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales PD Charge Conv. (Item) Field, Inventory Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality

See Also


Inventory Posting Groups
Inventory Posting Setup