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How to: Set Up Payment Services

In this procedure, you set the parameters for online credit card payments.

To set up payment services

  1. In the Search box, enter Payment Services Setup, and then choose the related link.

  2. On the General FastTab, select Authorization Required check box to enforce credit card authorization before shipping products or moving them from different warehouse locations.

  3. In the Days Before Authoriz. Expiry field, enter the number of days that an authorization should be valid for. This can be different from the authorization expiration days on the payment processor side. If the number of days is exceeded, then the amount is reauthorized when the specific document, for which the authorization was created for, is used.

  4. On the Additional Charges FastTab, in the Charge Type field, select whether to calculate the value in the Charge Value field as a percentage or as a fixed amount.

  5. In the Charge Value field, enter the number to use to calculate additional charges for processing online payments. The value is either a percentage or a fixed amount.


    The Charge Value field is only used during authorization. For more information, see Charge Value.

  6. In the Max. Charge Amount (LCY) field, enter the maximum additional charge that you can add to the payment.

    For example, you can set the following values for additional charges as described in the following table.

    Field Value

    Charge Type


    Charge Value


    Max. Charge Amount (LCY)


    If you have an order for LCY 2,000, then the additional charge amount is first calculated as 200. Because the maximum charge amount is 100, then an additional LCY 100 is applied to the order. You cannot have a charge value that is greater than the amount that is specified in the Max. Charge Amount (LCY) field.

  7. On the Numbering FastTab, in the Credit Card Nos. field, select the number series to use, and then choose the OK button.


    The number series is used to store credit cards. Each credit card is uniquely identified by a number that is generated by the number series. If this is not set up, then you must use a unique number every time that a new credit card is created for a customer.

See Also

Other Resources

Credit Card Payments Setup