다음을 통해 공유



An eConnect transaction type that voids a bank transaction.

XML nodes


You use the schema's <taBRBankTransactionDist> XML node to enter manual distributions. If distributions do not need to be changed, reversing entries are created from the original distributions.

The create distribution (CreateDist) element of the <taBRBankTransactionVoid> XML node has a default value of 1. The default value allows eConnect to automatically create reversing distributions from the original transaction. If you set CreateDist to 0, the required default distribution is still automatically created.

If you manually send distributions by setting CreateDist to 0, the credits will not match the debits. The DefaultDist depends on the value specified by the Option element of the <taBRBankTransactionVoid> XML node and the transaction type. However, the CMTrxType element is not used in the <taBRBankTransactionVoid> XML node. To determine the type of the default entry, you need to know the transaction type that is being voided. The following table displays the DefaultDist for each transaction type:


Transaction Type









Increase Adjustment



Decrease Adjustment


If you set CreateDist to 1, you can still use <taBRBankTransactionDist> XML nodes to specify manual distributions. This creates the original distributions and the allows the manual distributions to have matching debits and credits.

If multiple bank reconciliation documents have the same checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) and the transaction number (CMTrxNum), use the control number (CMDNUMWK) element of the <taBRBankTransactionVoid> XML node to specify the document. The CMDNUMWK element is equivalent to the CMRECNUM column of the CM20200 table. This column contains the primary key of the bank transactions to be voided. You retrieve the CMDNUMWK value by querying the CM20200 table to return the CMRECNUM value of the document that is being voided.

The <taBRBankTransactionVoid> XML node contains the batch number element (BACHNUMB). BACHNUMB specifies the General Ledger (GL) batch that eConnect creates. Microsoft Dynamics GP uses an audit trail code for the GL batch number. Microsoft Dynamics GP also uses the audit trail code to identify the originating transaction source. To recreate the behavior of Microsoft Dynamics GP, eConnect implements the following rules for batch numbers:

• When you do not specify a BACHNUMB, eConnect uses a default batch process similar to Microsoft Dynamics GP. The key difference, eConnect creates a separate batch with a unique audit trail code for each transaction.

• When you specify a BACHNUMB, eConnect uses that value to identify the batch. However, Microsoft Dynamics GP still supplies the audit trail code which is also used to identify originating transaction source. While the batch number will not match the cash management audit trail code, all drill back capabilities will work.

Document structure

        <eConnectProcessInfo />
            <taRequesterTrxDisabler />
            <taBRBankTransactionDist />
            <taAnalyticsDistribution />
        <taBRBankTransactionVoid />

See also