다음을 통해 공유

Running the sample application

To run this sample application, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the .zip archive containing the samples.

    In the folder where Visual Studio Tools was installed, locate the Samples.zip archive. This archive contains both the C# and Visual Basic versions of the samples. Extract this archive to a location that you have permissions to access.

  2. Open the Environmental Details sample solution.

    Using Visual Studio, open the solution file EnvironmentalDetails.sln for the C# or Visual Basic version of the sample.

  3. Verify the references for the sample solution.

    Use Visual Studio to view the references for the project. The Environmental Details sample should include references to the following assemblies:

    • Application.Dynamics

    • Microsoft.Dexterity.Bridge

    • Microsoft.Dexterity.Shell

    If any of these references for the project are not valid, re-add them to the project.

  4. Set the Solution Configuration.

    Set the Solution Configuration to Release to build the release version of the application.

  5. Build the application.

    From the Build menu, choose Build Solution. If there are no build errors, the assembly for the Environmental Details application will be built.

  6. Install the Environmental Details assembly.

    Copy the EnvironmentalDetails.dll from the Release folder for the project to the AddIns folder in the Microsoft Dynamics GP installation.

  7. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP.

    The Estimate Freight sample application will be loaded.

  8. Open the Item Maintenance window.

    In Microsoft Dynamics GP, open the Item Maintenance window.

  9. Display an item.

    You can display an existing item or create a new item.

  10. Display the Environmental Details window.

    In the Additional menu, choose Environmental Details. The Environmental Details window will appear.

  11. Supply the environmental details for the item.

    Enter the following environmental details:

    • Yearly energy cost

    • Notes

    • Recyclable

    • Energy Star Rated

  12. Save the changes to the item.

    Click Save in the Item Maintenance window to save the changes for the item.