다음을 통해 공유



Determines the percentage completion of a certain project, budget, or fee to determine the revenues to be recognized.



When Performed

Revenue is recognized for a Time and Materials project that uses the When Performed accounting method when a cost transaction is posted for the project.

When Billed

Revenue is recognized for a Time and Materials project that uses the When Billed accounting method when a billing invoice is posted for the project.

Cost To Cost

Revenue is recognized for a Cost Plus or Fixed Price project that uses the Cost-to-Cost accounting method when revenue recognition transactions are posted for the project.

Effort Expended

Revenue is recognized for a Cost Plus or Fixed Price project that uses the Effort-Expended accounting method when you post revenue recognition transactions for the project.


Revenue is recognized for a Cost Plus or Fixed Price project that uses the Completed accounting method when the project status has been changed to Completed for all projects in the contract that the project is for.

Labor Only

Revenue is recognized for a Cost Plus or Fixed Price project that uses the Labor Only accounting method when revenue recognition transactions are posted for the project.