다음을 통해 공유

ExecuteMultipleRequest 클래스

Contains the data that is needed to execute one or more message requests as a single batch operation, and optionally return a collection of results.

네임스페이스: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages
어셈블리: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk(Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll에 있음)


<DataContractAttribute(Namespace:="https://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Contracts")> _
Public NotInheritable Class ExecuteMultipleRequest
    Inherits OrganizationRequest
public sealed class ExecuteMultipleRequest : OrganizationRequest


The following sample shows how to execute the ExecuteMultipleRequest message.

// Get a reference to the organization service.
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri,serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
    // Enable early-bound type support to add/update entity records required for this sample.
    #region Execute Multiple with Results
    // Create an ExecuteMultipleRequest object.
    requestWithResults = new ExecuteMultipleRequest()
        // Assign settings that define execution behavior: continue on error, return responses. 
        Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings()
            ContinueOnError = false,
            ReturnResponses = true
        // Create an empty organization request collection.
        Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()

    // Create several (local, in memory) entities in a collection. 
    EntityCollection input = GetCollectionOfEntitiesToCreate();

    // Add a CreateRequest for each entity to the request collection.
    foreach (var entity in input.Entities)
        CreateRequest createRequest = new CreateRequest { Target = entity };

    // Execute all the requests in the request collection using a single web method call.
    ExecuteMultipleResponse responseWithResults =

    // Display the results returned in the responses.
    foreach (var responseItem in responseWithResults.Responses)
        // A valid response.
        if (responseItem.Response != null)
            DisplayResponse(requestWithResults.Requests[responseItem.RequestIndex], responseItem.Response);

        // An error has occurred.
        else if (responseItem.Fault != null)
                responseItem.RequestIndex, responseItem.Fault);


Message Availability

이 메시지는 호출자가 서버에 연결되어 있는지 아니면 오프라인인지에 관계없이 작동합니다.


Pass an instance of this class to the Execute method, which returns an instance of the ExecuteMultipleResponse class.

Privileges and Access Rights

There are no specific privileges required for this request. Refer to the required privileges and access rights of each message request you add to the Requests collection. Refer to Privileges by Message.

Notes for Callers

CallerId is honored for each message request. See the related topics for throttling limitations.

상속 계층


스레드 보안

이 형식의 공용 정적(Visual Basic에서는 Shared) 구성원은 스레드로부터 안전합니다. 인스턴스 구성원은 스레드로부터 안전하지 않을 수 있습니다.


Development Platforms

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

Target Platforms

Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2012,Windows 7

Change History

참고 항목


ExecuteMultipleRequest 구성원
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages 네임스페이스
ExecuteMultipleSettings 클래스
ThrottleSettings.ExecuteMultiplePerOrgMaxConnectionsPerServer 속성
ThrottleSettings.ExecuteMultipleMaxConnectionsPerServer 속성

기타 리소스

Use Messages (Request and Response Classes) with the Execute Method
Sample: Execute Multiple Requests

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