AddCrmDatabaseRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to add a Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization database to your deployment from a database backup or from a detached database. |
AddCrmDatabaseResponse |
Contains the response from AddCrmDatabaseRequest. |
AddDeploymentAdministratorRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to add a deployment administrator. The user must already exist in Active Directory. |
AddDeploymentAdministratorResponse |
Contains the response from the AddDeploymentAdministratorRequest. |
AsyncSettings |
Contains setting values that can be changed to tune a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. |
AttributeCollection |
Contains a collection of attributes. |
BaseData |
내부 전용입니다. |
BeginCreateOrganizationRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to initiate the asynchronous operation to create an organization. |
BeginCreateOrganizationResponse |
Contains the response from theBeginCreateOrganizationRequest. |
BeginImportOrganizationRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to begin the asynchronous operation to import an organization. |
BeginImportOrganizationResponse |
Contains the response from the BeginImportOrganizationRequest. |
BeginUpdateOrganizationRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to begin the asynchronous operation to update an organization. |
BeginUpdateOrganizationResponse |
Contains the response from theBeginUpdateOrganizationRequest. |
BeginUpgradeOrganizationRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to begin the asynchronous operation to upgrade an organization. |
BeginUpgradeOrganizationResponse |
Contains the response from theBeginUpgradeOrganizationRequest. |
Certificate |
Contains information about a certificate. |
ClaimsSettings |
Contains the settings for claims based authentication using Active Directory Federation Services 2.0(AD FS 2.0). |
ClaimsSettingsBase |
Base class for claims settings types. |
ConfigurationEntity |
Contains attributes for a specific table in the configuration database. |
CustomCodeSettings |
Server level settings that control use of custom code. |
DashboardSettings |
Server level dashboard settings. |
DeferredOperationError |
Contains information about an error that occurred with a deferred operation. |
DeferredOperationRequest |
Base class for all asynchronous requests for the deployment Web service. |
DeferredOperationResponse |
Base class for all asynchronous responses for the deployment Web service. |
DeferredOperationStatus |
Contains information about the status of a deferred operation. |
DeleteOrganizationRequest |
Contains the data that’s needed to delete a Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization. |
DeleteOrganizationResponse |
Contains the response from DeleteOrganizationRequest. |
DeleteRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to delete a deployment record. |
DeleteResponse |
Contains the response from the DeleteRequest. |
DeploymentAdministrator |
Contains information about a deployment administrator in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. |
DeploymentConfigSettings |
Base class for configuration settings entities. |
DeploymentEntity |
Base class for deployment entities. |
DeploymentObject |
Base class for deployment Web service entities and settings. |
DeploymentServiceClient |
Implements IDeploymentService interface and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the deployment service.. |
DeploymentServiceFault |
Represents a deployment service fault. |
DeploymentServiceRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to execute a request and the base class for all deployment service requests. |
DeploymentServiceResponse |
Contains the response from the request and the base class for all deployment Web service responses. |
DupSettings |
Contains duplicate detection settings that can be used to tune a deployment. |
EntityInstanceId |
Contains the information needed to identify a deployment entity record: deployment entity type and ID. |
ErrorDetailCollection |
Contains the collection of error details. |
EtmSettings |
Contains Enterprise Transaction Monitor (ETM) settings. |
IfdSettings |
Contains settings for configuring Internet-facing deployments (IFDs). |
ImportSettings |
Contains settings that can be changed to tune data import. |
LicenseProperties |
Contains information about a license for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. |
MarketplaceSettings |
Contains settings for the Microsoft Dynamics 마켓플레이스. |
MonitoringResultData |
Contains information about the result of a test run by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM monitoring service. |
MonitoringSettings |
Contains settings used to manage or configure the monitoring service and the tests executed by the service. |
MultiEntityQuickFindSettings |
Contains settings for multi-entity quick find (finds records of different types). |
OAuthClaimsSettings |
Contains the settings for claims based OAuth authentication. |
Organization |
Contains information about an organization in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. |
OrganizationUserInfo |
Contains information about a user in an organization. |
QuickFindSettings |
Contains settings for quick find (finds records of one type). |
RequestCheckResult |
내부 전용입니다. |
RetrieveAdvancedSettingsRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to retrieve advanced settings from the configuration database. 내부 전용입니다. |
RetrieveAdvancedSettingsResponse |
Contains the response from the RetrieveAdvancedSettingsRequest. |
RetrieveAllRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to retrieve all deployment records of the specified deployment entity type. |
RetrieveAllResponse |
Contains the response from the RetrieveAllRequest. |
RetrieveMonitoringResultsRequest |
Contains the data that’s required to retrieve results from the monitoring service operation tests for your Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. |
RetrieveMonitoringResultsResponse |
Contains the response from RetrieveMonitoringResultsRequest. |
RetrieveRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a deployment entity or configuration settings record. |
RetrieveResponse |
Contains the response from the RetrieveRequest. |
RetrieveUserMappingRequest |
Contains the data needed to retrieve mapping information of existing users in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization. |
RetrieveUserMappingResponse |
Contains the response from RetrieveUserMappingRequest. |
Server |
Contains information about a server in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. |
ServerSideSyncACTSettings |
ServerSideSyncEmailSettings |
ServerSideSyncQueueSettings |
SqmSettings |
Contains settings about the Microsoft customer experience improvement program. |
TeamSettings |
Contains settings for the auto created (system-managed) access teams. |
ThrottleSettings |
Contains information about service throttling. |
TraceSettings |
Contains trace settings for a deployment. |
TrackLicenseRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to track the licenses for a deployment. |
TrackLicenseResponse |
Contains the response from theTrackLicenseRequest. |
UpdateAdvancedSettingsRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to update advanced settings from the configuration database. 내부 전용입니다. |
UpdateAdvancedSettingsResponse |
Contains the response from theUpdateAdvancedSettingsRequest. |
UpdateProductKeyRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to update a product key. |
UpdateProductKeyResponse |
Contains the response from the UpdateProductKeyRequest. |
UpdateRequest |
Contains the data that is needed to update a deployment record. |
UpdateResponse |
Contains the response from theUpdateRequest. |
WebAddressSettings |
Contains deployment specific root domain address values. |
WorkflowSettings |
Contains workflow setting values which can be changed to tune a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. |
YammerSettings |
Contains settings for Yammer. |