ConstraintBasedGroup (resource group) entity privileges
적용 대상: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online
The following table lists the default privileges for each security role for the ConstraintBasedGroup entity.
Privilege Name | Privilege GUID | Entity Object type Code | Basic depth (B) | Local depth (L) | Deep depth (D) | Global Depth (G) | Corresponding Access Right | CEO-Business Manager | Vice President of Sales | Sales Manager | Salesperson | Customer Service Representative | CSR Manager | Marketing Professional | System Administrator | Schedule Manager | Vice President of Marketing | Marketing Manager | Scheduler | System Customizer | Delegate | Support User | Admin Only License | On-premise - Small Business | On-premise - Professional | On-premise - Enterprise | Online | Spla |
prvCreateService |
{8E28F1E3-F63E-4a02-B0C8-9F130EC5B3FF} |
4001;4002;4006;4005;4007 |
x |
G |
G |
G |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
prvReadService |
{CA4A3B9F-6887-4b5d-90F4-E918ED17E175} |
4001;4002;4006;4005;4007 |
x |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
prvWriteService |
{4AB2E389-ECA5-42b9-AD4B-7893867BA1DE} |
4001;4002;4006;4005;4007 |
x |
G |
G |
G |
G |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
prvDeleteService |
{72D802A8-97BF-4b01-B5BF-EDEEDE5AB71C} |
4001;4002;4006;4005;4007 |
x |
G |
G |
G |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
prvAppendService |
{6DF05F16-C7CD-4C24-A306-C5D43311D189} |
4001 |
x |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
prvAppendToService |
{39BDC280-2F57-4387-9F7A-D1D05527A705} |
4001;4002;4006;4005;4007 |
x |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
G |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
참고 항목
ConstraintBasedGroup(리소스 그룹) 엔터티 메시지 및 메서드
기타 리소스
Security role and privilege reference
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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