Chief financial officer security role (CompanyChiefFinancialOfficer)
This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
The Chief financial officer security role represents a user who reviews the financial performance of the organization.
By default, this security role is assigned the following duties in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Duty name |
Duty AOT name |
Duty description |
Approve purchase requisitions |
PurchReqPurchaseRequisitionApprove |
Approve and authorize purchase requisitions |
Enable financial reports generator Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
RRGEnable |
Set up templates, report format, and other information to enable the financial reports generator |
Inquire about accounting data Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
LedgerRRGGInquire |
Respond to inquiries about accounting data |
Inquire about electronic documents Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
LedgerRRGEInquire |
Respond to inquiries about electronic documents |
Inquire in purchase agreement department authorization |
PurchAgreementFinDimAccessInquire_PSN |
Respond to inquiries about the departments that are authorized to use a purchase agreement |
Inquire into bank account reconciliation status |
BankBankAcctReconStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of bank account reconciliations |
Inquire into bank accounts master |
BankBankAccountsInquire |
Respond to inquiries about bank master data |
Inquire into bank letter of guarantee |
BankLetterOfGuaranteeInquire |
Respond to inquiries about bank letter of guarantee |
Inquire into bank management policies |
BankBankManagementPoliciesInquire |
Respond to inquiries about policies governing the bank management process |
Inquire into bank management reference data |
BankBankMgmtReferenceDataInquire |
Respond to inquiries about bank management reference data |
Inquire into bank transaction status |
BankBankTransactionStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of bank transactions |
Inquire into budget master |
BudgetBudgetsInquire |
Respond to inquiries about budget master data |
Inquire into budget register entry status |
BudgetBudgetTransStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of budget register entries |
Inquire into cash management reference data Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
CashManagementReferenceDataInquire |
Respond to inquiries about cash management process reference data |
Inquire into cash transaction status Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
CashTransactionStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of cash transactions |
Inquire into chart of account master |
LedgerChartOfAccountsInquire |
Respond to inquiries about chart of accounts |
Inquire into closing transaction status |
LedgerClosingTransactionsStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of closing transactions |
Inquire into commitment documents |
PurchCommitmentInquireCommitment_PSN |
Respond to inquiries about commitment documents |
Inquire into credit card processing |
CreditCardCreditCardProcessingInquire |
Respond to inquiries about credit card processing |
Inquire into customer invoice status |
CustInvoiceCustomerInvoiceStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of customer invoices |
Inquire into customer master |
CustCustomerMasterInquire |
Respond to inquiries about customer master data |
Inquire into customer payments status |
PaymCustomerPaymentsStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of customer payments |
Inquire into customer reference data |
CustCustomerReferenceDataInquire |
Respond to inquiries about customer master reference data |
Inquire into export letter of credit |
BankExportLetterOfCreditInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of export letters of credit |
Inquire into fixed asset budgets |
AssetFixedAssetBudgetsInquire |
Respond to inquiries about fixed asset budget master data |
Inquire into fixed asset transaction status |
AssetFixedAssetTransactionStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of fixed asset transactions |
Inquire into fixed assets |
AssetFixedAssetsInquire |
Respond to inquiries about fixed assets master data |
Inquire into general ledger policies |
LedgerGeneralLedgerPoliciesInquire |
Respond to inquiries about policies governing the general ledger process |
Inquire into general ledger reference data |
LedgerGeneralLedgerReferenceDataInquire |
Respond to inquiries about general ledger reference data |
Inquire into import letter of credit |
BankImportLetterOfCreditInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of import letters of credit |
Inquire into inventory through the role center |
LedgerRoleCenterInventoryInquire |
Inquire into inventory through the role center |
Inquire into jobs and positions |
HcmJobPositionInquire |
Respond to inquiries about job and position data |
Inquire into journals and transaction status |
LedgerJournalsTransactionStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of journals and transactions |
Inquire into promissory note status |
PaymPromissoryNoteStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of promissory notes |
Inquire into purchase requisition |
PurchReqPurchaseRequisitionInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of purchase requisitions |
Inquire into retail store sales reports Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
RetailSalesStoreReportsInquire |
Inquire into tax transaction status Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
TaxTransactionInquiry_IN |
Inquire into vendor invoice status |
VendInvoiceVendorInvoiceStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of vendor invoices |
Inquire into vendor master |
VendVendorMasterInquire |
Respond to inquiries about vendor master data |
Inquire into vendor payment status |
PaymVendorPaymentStatusInquire |
Respond to inquiries about the status of vendor payments |
Inquire into vendor process |
VendVendorProcessInquire |
Respond to inquiries about vendor process |
Maintain commitment documents |
PurchCommitmentMaintainCommitment_PSN |
Maintain electronic documents Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
RRGEMAintain |
Review bank management process performance |
BankBankManagementProcessPerfReview |
Monitor, analyze, and improve the bank management process |
Review budget control process performance |
BudgetBudgetControlProcessPerfReview |
Monitor, analyze, and improve the budget control process |
Review budget process performance |
BudgetBudgetProcessPerfReview |
Monitor, analyze, and improve the budget process |
Review compliance process performance |
ComplianceMgmtComplianceProcPerfReview |
Monitor, analyze, and improve the compliance process |
Review credit cards process performance |
CreditCardCreditCardsProcessPerfReview |
Monitor, analyze, and improve the credit cards process |
Review fixed assets process performance |
AssetFixedAssetsProcessPerfReview |
Monitor, analyze, and improve the fixed assets process |
Review general ledger process performance |
LedgerGeneralLedgerProcessPerfReview |
Monitor, analyze, and improve the general ledger process |
Review invoice and cash process performance |
CustInvoiceInvoiceAndCashProcPerfReview |
Monitor, analyze, and improve the invoice and cash process |
Review invoice and payment process performance |
VendInvoiceInvoicePaymentProcPerfReview |
Monitor, analyze, and improve the invoice and payment process |
Review project control |
ProjProjectControlReview |
Monitor project hour utilization and efficiency |
Review project control - cash flow |
ProjProjectControlCashFlowReview |
Monitor forecasted and actual project cash flow |
Review project control - committed cost |
ProjProjectControlCommittedCostReview |
Monitor the costs of a project or a set of projects |
Review project control - hour utilization |
ProjProjectControlHourUtilizationReview |
Monitor the utilization and efficiency of assigned project hours |
Review project control - invoice control |
ProjProjectControlInvoiceControlReview |
Monitor posted project transactions |
Review project control - statement |
ProjProjectControlStatementReview |
Monitor project control statement reports |
Role center URL redirection |
EPHomePageView |
Enable redirection from generic role center URL |
View budget planning configuration and processes Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
BudgetPlanningConfigProcessView |
View budget plans Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
BudgetPlanView |
View derived financial hierarchy filters |
LedgerDerivedFinancialHierarchyInquire |
View derived financial hierarchy trees and filters |
View fiscal document source texts Note This duty is assigned to the role only in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
FiscalDocumentSourceTextView_BR |
Role center URL redirection Note This duty is assigned to the role only in versions prior to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. |
EPPurchCenterRole |
Enable redirection from generic role center URL |
By default, this security role is assigned the following privileges in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack.
Privilege name |
Privilege AOT name |
Inquire into all purchase requisitions |
PurchReqPurchaseRequisitionInquire |
View fixed asset records |
AssetTableView |
View positions using a list page |
HcmPositionListView |
View the Finance Director ratios |
LedgerFinanceDirectorRatiosGenerate |
By default, no privileges are directly assigned to this security role in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2.