TreeWalker를 사용하여 UI 자동화 요소 간 탐색
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이 문서는 System.Windows.Automation 네임스페이스에 정의된 관리되는 UI Automation 클래스를 사용하려는 .NET Framework 개발자를 위해 작성되었습니다.UI Automation에 대한 최신 정보는 Windows Automation API: UI Automation을 참조하십시오. |
이 항목에는 TreeWalker 클래스를 사용하여 Microsoft UI Automation 요소 간을 탐색하는 방법을 보여 주는 예제 코드가 나와 있습니다.
다음 예제에서는 GetParent를 사용하여 루트 요소나 데스크톱을 찾을 때까지 Microsoft UI Automation 트리를 탐색합니다. 이 요소는 지정된 요소의 부모 창 바로 아래에 있는 요소입니다.
''' <summary>
''' Retrieves the top-level window that contains the specified UI Automation element.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="element">The contained element.</param>
''' <returns>The containing top-level window element.</returns>
Private Function GetTopLevelWindow(ByVal element As AutomationElement) As AutomationElement
Dim walker As TreeWalker = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker
Dim elementParent As AutomationElement
Dim node As AutomationElement = element
If node = elementRoot Then
Return node
End If
elementParent = walker.GetParent(node)
If elementParent = AutomationElement.RootElement Then
Exit Do
End If
node = elementParent
Loop While True
Return node
End Function 'GetTopLevelWindow
End Class 'Reader
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the top-level window that contains the specified UI Automation element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">The contained element.</param>
/// <returns>The containing top-level window element.</returns>
private AutomationElement GetTopLevelWindow(AutomationElement element)
TreeWalker walker = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker;
AutomationElement elementParent;
AutomationElement node = element;
if (node == elementRoot) return node;
elementParent = walker.GetParent(node);
if (elementParent == AutomationElement.RootElement) break;
node = elementParent;
while (true);
return node;
다음 예제에서는 GetFirstChild 및 GetNextSibling을 사용하여 컨트롤 뷰에 있으며 활성화된 Microsoft UI Automation 요소의 전체 하위 트리를 표시하는 TreeView를 만듭니다.
''' <summary>
''' Walks the UI Automation tree and adds the control type of each enabled control
''' element it finds to a TreeView.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="rootElement">The root of the search on this iteration.</param>
''' <param name="treeNode">The node in the TreeView for this iteration.</param>
''' <remarks>
''' This is a recursive function that maps out the structure of the subtree beginning at the
''' UI Automation element passed in as rootElement on the first call. This could be, for example,
''' an application window.
''' CAUTION: Do not pass in AutomationElement.RootElement. Attempting to map out the entire subtree of
''' the desktop could take a very long time and even lead to a stack overflow.
''' </remarks>
Private Sub WalkEnabledElements(ByVal rootElement As AutomationElement, ByVal treeNode As TreeNode)
Dim condition1 As New PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsControlElementProperty, True)
Dim condition2 As New PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsEnabledProperty, True)
Dim walker As New TreeWalker(New AndCondition(condition1, condition2))
Dim elementNode As AutomationElement = walker.GetFirstChild(rootElement)
While (elementNode IsNot Nothing)
Dim childTreeNode As TreeNode = treeNode.Nodes.Add(elementNode.Current.ControlType.LocalizedControlType)
WalkEnabledElements(elementNode, childTreeNode)
elementNode = walker.GetNextSibling(elementNode)
End While
End Sub 'WalkEnabledElements
/// <summary>
/// Walks the UI Automation tree and adds the control type of each enabled control
/// element it finds to a TreeView.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootElement">The root of the search on this iteration.</param>
/// <param name="treeNode">The node in the TreeView for this iteration.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This is a recursive function that maps out the structure of the subtree beginning at the
/// UI Automation element passed in as rootElement on the first call. This could be, for example,
/// an application window.
/// CAUTION: Do not pass in AutomationElement.RootElement. Attempting to map out the entire subtree of
/// the desktop could take a very long time and even lead to a stack overflow.
/// </remarks>
private void WalkEnabledElements(AutomationElement rootElement, TreeNode treeNode)
Condition condition1 = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsControlElementProperty, true);
Condition condition2 = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsEnabledProperty, true);
TreeWalker walker = new TreeWalker(new AndCondition(condition1, condition2));
AutomationElement elementNode = walker.GetFirstChild(rootElement);
while (elementNode != null)
TreeNode childTreeNode = treeNode.Nodes.Add(elementNode.Current.ControlType.LocalizedControlType);
WalkEnabledElements(elementNode, childTreeNode);
elementNode = walker.GetNextSibling(elementNode);