다음을 통해 공유

콜백을 사용하는 Windows 응용 프로그램(ADO.NET)

대부분의 비동기 처리 시나리오에서 사용자는 데이터베이스 작업을 시작하면서 해당 데이터베이스 작업이 완료되기 전에 다른 프로세스를 계속해서 실행하고자 합니다. 그러나 많은 시나리오에서는 일단 데이터베이스 작업이 종료된 후 다른 작업을 수행해야 합니다. 예를 들어, Windows 응용 프로그램에서는 장기 실행 작업을 배경 스레드에 위임하면서 사용자 인터페이스 스레드가 응답을 유지하도록 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 데이터베이스 작업이 완료되면 결과를 사용하여 폼을 채웁니다. 이러한 종류의 시나리오는 콜백을 사용할 때 가장 효과적으로 구현됩니다.

콜백을 정의하려면 BeginExecuteNonQuery, BeginExecuteReader 또는 BeginExecuteXmlReader 메서드에 AsyncCallback 대리자를 지정합니다. 이 대리자는 작업이 완료될 때 호출됩니다. SqlCommand에 대한 참조를 대리자에게 전달하여 SqlCommand 개체에 보다 손쉽게 액세스하고 전역 변수를 사용하지 않고도 적절한 End 메서드를 호출할 수 있습니다.


다음 Windows 응용 프로그램에서는 BeginExecuteNonQuery 메서드를 사용하여 장기 실행 명령을 에뮬레이션하는 몇 초 간의 지연이 포함된 Transact-SQL 문을 실행하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

이 예제에서는 개별 스레드의 폼과 상호 작용하는 메서드를 호출하는 것을 비롯하여 여러 가지 중요한 기법을 보여 줍니다. 또한 이 예제에서는 사용자가 하나의 명령을 동시에 여러 번 실행하지 못하도록 해야 하는 이유와 콜백 프로시저를 호출하기 전에 폼을 닫지 않아야 하는 이유를 설명합니다.

이 예제를 설정하려면 새 Windows 응용 프로그램을 만듭니다. 해당 폼에 Button 컨트롤과 두 Label 컨트롤의 위치를 지정합니다. 각 컨트롤의 이름은 기본 이름을 사용합니다. 사용자 환경의 필요에 따라 연결 문자열을 수정하여 다음 코드를 폼의 클래스에 추가합니다.

[Visual Basic]

' Add these to the top of the class:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

' Add this code to the form's class:

    ' You'll need this delegate in order to display text from a 
    ' thread other than the form's thread. See the HandleCallback
    ' procedure for more information.
    ' This same delegate matches both the DisplayStatus 
    ' and DisplayResults methods.
    Private Delegate Sub DisplayInfoDelegate(ByVal Text As String)

    ' This flag ensures that the user doesn't attempt
    ' to restart the command or close the form while the 
    ' asynchronous command is executing.
    Private isExecuting As Boolean

    ' This example maintains the connection object 
    ' externally, so that it's available for closing.
    Private connection As SqlConnection

    Private Function GetConnectionString() As String
        ' To avoid storing the connection string in your code,            
        ' you can retrieve it from a configuration file. 

        ' If you have not included "Asynchronous Processing=true"
        ' in the connection string, the command will not be able
        ' to execute asynchronously.
        Return "Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
          "Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;" & _
          "Asynchronous Processing=true"
    End Function

    Private Sub DisplayStatus(ByVal Text As String)
        Me.Label1.Text = Text
    End Sub

    Private Sub DisplayResults(ByVal Text As String)
        Me.Label1.Text = Text
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) _
        Handles Me.FormClosing
        If isExecuting Then
            MessageBox.Show(Me, "Can't close the form until " & _
             "the pending asynchronous command has completed. " & _
             "Please wait...")
            e.Cancel = True
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click( _
        ByVal sender As System.Object, _
        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        If isExecuting Then
            MessageBox.Show(Me, _
                "Already executing. " & _
                "Please wait until the current query " & _
                "has completed.")
            Dim command As SqlCommand
                connection = New SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())
                ' To emulate a long-running query, wait for 
                ' a few seconds before working with the data.
                ' This command doesn't do much, but that's the point--
                ' it doesn't change your data, in the long run.
                Dim commandText As String = _
                    "WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:05';" & _
                    "UPDATE Production.Product " & _
                    "SET ReorderPoint = ReorderPoint + 1 " & _
                    "WHERE ReorderPoint Is Not Null;" & _
                    "UPDATE Production.Product " & _
                    "SET ReorderPoint = ReorderPoint - 1 " & _
                    "WHERE ReorderPoint Is Not Null"

                command = New SqlCommand(commandText, connection)

                isExecuting = True
                ' Although it's not required that you pass the 
                ' SqlCommand object as the second parameter in the 
                ' BeginExecuteNonQuery call, doing so makes it easier
                ' to call EndExecuteNonQuery in the callback procedure.
                Dim callback As New _
                      AsyncCallback(AddressOf HandleCallback)

                ' Once the BeginExecuteNonQuery method is called,
                ' the code continues--and the user can interact with
                ' the form--while the server executes the query.

                command.BeginExecuteNonQuery(callback, command)

            Catch ex As Exception
                isExecuting = False
                DisplayStatus( _
                    String.Format("Ready (last error: {0})", _
                If connection IsNot Nothing Then
                End If
            End Try
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub HandleCallback(ByVal result As IAsyncResult)
            ' Retrieve the original command object, passed
            ' to this procedure in the AsyncState property
            ' of the IAsyncResult parameter.
            Dim command As SqlCommand = _
                CType(result.AsyncState, SqlCommand)
            Dim rowCount As Integer = _
            Dim rowText As String = " rows affected."
            If rowCount = 1 Then
                rowText = " row affected."
            End If
            rowText = rowCount & rowText

            ' You may not interact with the form and its contents
            ' from a different thread, and this callback procedure
            ' is all but guaranteed to be running from a different 
            ' thread than the form. Therefore you cannot simply call 
            ' code that displays the results, like this:
            ' DisplayResults(rowText)

            ' Instead, you must call the procedure from the form's
            ' thread. One simple way to accomplish this is to call 
            ' the Invoke method of the form, which calls the delegate 
            ' you supply from the form's thread. 
            Dim del As New _
                DisplayInfoDelegate(AddressOf DisplayResults)
            Me.Invoke(del, rowText)

        Catch ex As Exception
            ' Because you're now running code in a separate thread, 
            ' if you don't handle the exception here, none of your 
            ' other code will catch the exception. Because none of 
            ' your code is on the call stack in this thread, there's 
            ' nothing higher up the stack to catch the exception if 
            ' you don't handle it here. You can either log the 
            ' exception or invoke a delegate (as in the non-error 
            ' case in this example) to display the error on the form. 
            ' In no case can you simply display the error without 
            ' executing a delegate as in the Try block here.

            ' You can create the delegate instance as you 
            ' invoke it, like this:
            Me.Invoke(New _
                DisplayInfoDelegate(AddressOf DisplayStatus), _
                String.Format("Ready(last error: {0}", ex.Message))
            isExecuting = False
            If connection IsNot Nothing Then
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub
// Add these to the top of the class, if they're not already there:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

// Hook up the form's Load event handler (you can double-click on 
// the form's design surface in Visual Studio), and then add 
// this code to the form's class:

// You'll need this delegate in order to display text from a thread
// other than the form's thread. See the HandleCallback
// procedure for more information.
// This same delegate matches both the DisplayStatus 
// and DisplayResults methods.
private delegate void DisplayInfoDelegate(string Text);

// This flag ensures that the user doesn't attempt
// to restart the command or close the form while the 
// asynchronous command is executing.
private bool isExecuting;

// This example maintains the connection object 
// externally, so that it's available for closing.
private SqlConnection connection;

private static string GetConnectionString()
    // To avoid storing the connection string in your code,            
    // you can retrieve it from a configuration file. 

    // If you have not included "Asynchronous Processing=true" in the
    // connection string, the command will not be able
    // to execute asynchronously.
    return "Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;" +
    "Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks; Asynchronous Processing=true";

private void DisplayStatus(string Text)
    this.label1.Text = Text;

private void DisplayResults(string Text)
    this.label1.Text = Text;

private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs e)
    if (isExecuting)
        MessageBox.Show(this, "Can't close the form until " +
        "the pending asynchronous command has completed. Please " +
        e.Cancel = true;

private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    if (isExecuting)
        MessageBox.Show(this, "Already executing. Please wait until " +
        "the current query has completed.");
        SqlCommand command = null;
            connection = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString());
            // To emulate a long-running query, wait for 
            // a few seconds before working with the data.
            // This command doesn't do much, but that's the point--
            // it doesn't change your data, in the long run.
            string commandText =
                "WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:05';" +
                "UPDATE Production.Product " +
                "SET ReorderPoint = ReorderPoint + 1 " +
                "WHERE ReorderPoint Is Not Null;" +
                "UPDATE Production.Product " +
                "SET ReorderPoint = ReorderPoint - 1 " +
                "WHERE ReorderPoint Is Not Null";

            command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection);

            isExecuting = true;
            // Although it's not required that you pass the 
            // SqlCommand object as the second parameter in the 
            // BeginExecuteNonQuery call, doing so makes it easier
            // to call EndExecuteNonQuery in the callback procedure.
            AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(HandleCallback);

            // Once the BeginExecuteNonQuery method is called,
            // the code continues--and the user can interact with
            // the form--while the server executes the query.
            command.BeginExecuteNonQuery(callback, command);

        catch (Exception ex)
            isExecuting = false;
             string.Format("Ready (last error: {0})", ex.Message));
            if (connection != null)

private void HandleCallback(IAsyncResult result)
        // Retrieve the original command object, passed
        // to this procedure in the AsyncState property
        // of the IAsyncResult parameter.
        SqlCommand command = (SqlCommand)result.AsyncState;
        int rowCount = command.EndExecuteNonQuery(result);
        string rowText = " rows affected.";
        if (rowCount == 1)
            rowText = " row affected.";
        rowText = rowCount + rowText;

        // You may not interact with the form and its contents
        // from a different thread, and this callback procedure
        // is all but guaranteed to be running from a different thread
        // than the form. Therefore you cannot simply call code that 
        // displays the results, like this:
        // DisplayResults(rowText)

        // Instead, you must call the procedure from the form's thread.
        // One simple way to accomplish this is to call the Invoke
        // method of the form, which calls the delegate you supply
        // from the form's thread. 
        DisplayInfoDelegate del = 
         new DisplayInfoDelegate(DisplayResults);
        this.Invoke(del, rowText);
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Because you're now running code in a separate thread, 
        // if you don't handle the exception here, none of your other
        // code will catch the exception. Because none of your
        // code is on the call stack in this thread, there's nothing
        // higher up the stack to catch the exception if you don't 
        // handle it here. You can either log the exception or 
        // invoke a delegate (as in the non-error case in this 
        // example) to display the error on the form. In no case
        // can you simply display the error without executing a 
        // delegate as in the try block here. 

        // You can create the delegate instance as you 
        // invoke it, like this:
        this.Invoke(new DisplayInfoDelegate(DisplayStatus),
        String.Format("Ready(last error: {0}", ex.Message));
        isExecuting = false;
        if (connection != null)

private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);
    this.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.

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기타 리소스

비동기 작업(ADO.NET)