ContextNode 클래스
업데이트: 2007년 11월
잉크 분석 도중 만들어진 개체 트리의 노드를 나타냅니다.
네임스페이스: System.Windows.Ink
어셈블리: IAWinFX(IAWinFX.dll)
Public Class ContextNode
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As ContextNode
public class ContextNode
public ref class ContextNode
public class ContextNode
public class ContextNode
InkAnalyzer에서는 잉크 분석을 수행한 후 결과를 ContextNode 개체 트리로 나타냅니다. RootNode는 트리의 맨 위에 있습니다. 트리 아래쪽으로 갈수록 점점 더 작은 스트로크 컬렉션이 표시됩니다. 이러한 노드는 단락이나 줄 등의 단어 그룹, 단어나 그리기 등의 분석된 잉크 또는 다양한 기타 형식일 수 있습니다. 전체 목록을 보려면 ContextNodeType 클래스를 참조하십시오.
AnalysisHintNode, ImageNode 및 TextWordNode 개체와 같은 노드를 InkAnalyzer에 수동으로 추가할 수 있습니다.
입력이 손상된 경우 이 메서드는 ArgumentException 예외를 throw합니다.
이 예제에서는 이름이 theInkAnalyzer인 InkAnalyzer의 ContextNode 트리를 사용하여 이름이 theTreeView인 [System.Windows.Controls.TreeView]를 채웁니다. 트리 뷰에 속한 노드를 선택하면 연관된 스트로크가 빨간색으로 표시되도록 설정됩니다. [System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Tag] 속성은 트리 노드와 해당 노드가 나타내는 컨텍스트 노드를 서로 매핑하는 데 사용됩니다.
Private Sub BuildTree()
' Remove the old nodes from the TreeView and add the current results.
Dim rootNode As New TreeViewItem()
rootNode.Tag = Me.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode
rootNode.Header = theInkAnalyzer.RootNode.ToString()
WalkTree(Me.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode, rootNode)
End Sub 'BuildTree
Private Shared Sub WalkTree(ByVal parentContextNode As ContextNode, ByVal parentTreeNode As TreeViewItem)
parentTreeNode.IsExpanded = True
For Each theContextSubnode As ContextNode In parentContextNode.SubNodes
Dim newTreeNode As New TreeViewItem()
newTreeNode.Header = theContextSubnode.ToString()
If TypeOf theContextSubnode Is InkWordNode Then
newTreeNode.Header += ": " + CType(theContextSubnode, InkWordNode).GetRecognizedString()
ElseIf TypeOf theContextSubnode Is InkDrawingNode Then
newTreeNode.Header += ": " + CType(theContextSubnode, InkDrawingNode).GetShapeName()
End If
' If the context node is confirmed, add a note to the
' tree view item.
If (theContextSubnode.IsConfirmed(ConfirmationType.NodeTypeAndProperties)) Then
newTreeNode.Header += " Confirmed."
End If
' Add the context node as a tag of the tree view item and
' add the new tree view item to the parent node.
newTreeNode.Tag = theContextSubnode
WalkTree(theContextSubnode, newTreeNode)
Next theContextSubnode
End Sub 'WalkTree
Sub theResultsTreeView_SelectedItemChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(Of Object))
Dim selectedTreeViewItem As TreeViewItem = e.NewValue '
If selectedTreeViewItem Is Nothing Then
End If
' Get the context node
Dim selectedNode As ContextNode = CType(selectedTreeViewItem.Tag, ContextNode)
timeStampLabel.Content = ""
' Show selected results
If Not (selectedNode Is Nothing) Then
If selectedNode.Type = ContextNodeType.WritingRegion Then
Dim writingRegion As WritingRegionNode = CType(selectedNode, WritingRegionNode)
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = writingRegion.GetRecognizedString()
ElseIf selectedNode.Type = ContextNodeType.Paragraph Then
Dim paragraph As ParagraphNode = CType(selectedNode, ParagraphNode)
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = paragraph.GetRecognizedString()
ElseIf selectedNode.Type = ContextNodeType.Line Then
Dim line As LineNode = CType(selectedNode, LineNode)
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = line.GetRecognizedString()
ElseIf selectedNode.Type = ContextNodeType.InkWord Then
Dim inkWord As InkWordNode = CType(selectedNode, InkWordNode)
Dim parentNode As ContextNode = inkWord.ParentNode
If TypeOf parentNode Is LineNode Then
Dim parentLine As LineNode = CType(parentNode, LineNode)
' Put parent line's recognized string into the text box
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = parentLine.GetRecognizedString()
' Select the text that corresponds to the ink word
Dim subNodes As New ContextNodeCollection(theInkAnalyzer)
Dim start As Integer
Dim length As Integer
parentLine.GetTextRangeFromNodes(subNodes, start, length)
If start >= 0 AndAlso length > 0 Then
selectedResultsTextBox.Select(start, length)
End If
End If
ElseIf selectedNode.Type = ContextNodeType.InkDrawing Then
Dim drawingNode As InkDrawingNode = CType(selectedNode, InkDrawingNode)
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = drawingNode.GetShapeName()
ElseIf selectedNode.Type = ContextNodeType.InkBullet Then
Dim bulletNode As InkBulletNode = CType(selectedNode, InkBulletNode)
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = bulletNode.GetRecognizedString()
ElseIf selectedNode.Type = ContextNodeType.CustomRecognizer Then
Dim customRecognizer As CustomRecognizerNode = CType(selectedNode, CustomRecognizerNode)
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = customRecognizer.GetRecognizedString()
ElseIf selectedNode.Type = ContextNodeType.Object Then
Dim selectedObject As ObjectNode = CType(selectedNode, ObjectNode)
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = selectedObject.GetRecognizedString()
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = ""
End If
If TypeOf selectedNode Is InkWordNode Then
Dim inkWord As InkWordNode = CType(selectedNode, InkWordNode)
' Show the time stamp
If inkWord.ContainsPropertyData(Me.timeStampGuid) Then
Dim timeStamp As DateTime = CType(inkWord.GetPropertyData(Me.timeStampGuid), DateTime)
timeStampLabel.Content = timeStamp.ToShortTimeString()
End If
' Snippet to demonstrate GetPropertyDataIds
Dim propertyDataIds As Guid() = inkWord.GetPropertyDataIds()
' Snippets to demonstrate loading and saving
Dim data As Byte() = inkWord.SavePropertiesData()
If Not inkWord.LoadPropertiesData(data) Then
MessageBox.Show("Cannot load property data")
End If
End If
End If
Me.currentNode = selectedNode
End Sub
Private Sub PopulateLinksList(ByVal selectedNode As ContextNode)
If selectedNode Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim link As ContextLink
For Each link In selectedNode.Links
linksListBox.Items.Add(link.SourceNode.ToString() + ", " & _
link.DestinationNode.ToString() & ": " & _
End Sub
Sub MarkNodeAsRed(ByVal selectedNode As ContextNode)
' Set all node strokes to black, but this one to red
Dim stroke As Stroke
For Each stroke In Me.theInkCanvas.Strokes
If Not (selectedNode Is Nothing) AndAlso selectedNode.Strokes.Contains(stroke) Then
stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Red
stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color = Me.theInkCanvas.DefaultDrawingAttributes.Color
End If
Next stroke
End Sub 'theResultsTreeView_SelectedItemChanged
private void BuildTree()
// Remove the old nodes from the TreeView and add the current results.
TreeViewItem rootNode = new TreeViewItem();
rootNode.Tag = this.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode;
rootNode.Header = theInkAnalyzer.RootNode.ToString();
WalkTree(this.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode, rootNode);
private static void WalkTree(ContextNode parentContextNode, TreeViewItem parentTreeNode)
// Expand the current TreeViewItem.
parentTreeNode.IsExpanded = true;
foreach (ContextNode theContextSubnode
in parentContextNode.SubNodes)
TreeViewItem newTreeNode = new TreeViewItem();
newTreeNode.Header = theContextSubnode.ToString();
if (theContextSubnode is InkWordNode)
newTreeNode.Header += ": " +
else if (theContextSubnode is InkDrawingNode)
newTreeNode.Header += ": " +
// If the context node is confirmed, add a note to the
// tree view item.
if (theContextSubnode.IsConfirmed(ConfirmationType.NodeTypeAndProperties))
newTreeNode.Header += " Confirmed.";
// Add the context node as a tag of the tree view item and
// add the new tree view item to the parent node.
newTreeNode.Tag = theContextSubnode;
WalkTree(theContextSubnode, newTreeNode);
void theResultsTreeView_SelectedItemChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<object> e)
TreeViewItem selectedTreeViewItem = e.NewValue as TreeViewItem;
if (selectedTreeViewItem == null)
// Get the context node
ContextNode selectedNode = (ContextNode)selectedTreeViewItem.Tag;
timeStampLabel.Content = "";
// Show selected results
if (selectedNode != null)
if (selectedNode.Type == ContextNodeType.WritingRegion)
WritingRegionNode writingRegion = (WritingRegionNode)selectedNode;
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = writingRegion.GetRecognizedString();
else if (selectedNode.Type == ContextNodeType.Paragraph)
ParagraphNode paragraph = (ParagraphNode)selectedNode;
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = paragraph.GetRecognizedString();
else if (selectedNode.Type == ContextNodeType.Line)
LineNode line = (LineNode)selectedNode;
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = line.GetRecognizedString();
else if (selectedNode.Type == ContextNodeType.InkWord)
InkWordNode inkWord = (InkWordNode)selectedNode;
ContextNode parentNode = inkWord.ParentNode;
if (parentNode is LineNode)
LineNode parentLine = (LineNode)parentNode;
// Put parent line's recognized string into the text box
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = parentLine.GetRecognizedString();
// Select the text that corresponds to the ink word
ContextNodeCollection subNodes = new ContextNodeCollection(theInkAnalyzer);
int start;
int length;
parentLine.GetTextRangeFromNodes(subNodes, out start, out length);
if (start >= 0 && length > 0)
selectedResultsTextBox.Select(start, length);
else if (selectedNode.Type == ContextNodeType.InkDrawing)
InkDrawingNode drawingNode = (InkDrawingNode)selectedNode;
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = drawingNode.GetShapeName();
else if (selectedNode.Type == ContextNodeType.InkBullet)
InkBulletNode bulletNode = (InkBulletNode)selectedNode;
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = bulletNode.GetRecognizedString();
else if (selectedNode.Type == ContextNodeType.CustomRecognizer)
CustomRecognizerNode customRecognizer = (CustomRecognizerNode)selectedNode;
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = customRecognizer.GetRecognizedString();
else if (selectedNode.Type == ContextNodeType.Object)
ObjectNode selectedObject = (ObjectNode)selectedNode;
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = selectedObject.GetRecognizedString();
selectedResultsTextBox.Text = "";
if (selectedNode is InkWordNode)
InkWordNode inkWord = (InkWordNode)selectedNode;
// Show the time stamp
if (inkWord.ContainsPropertyData(this.timeStampGuid))
DateTime timeStamp =
timeStampLabel.Content = timeStamp.ToShortTimeString();
// Snippet to demonstrate GetPropertyDataIds
Guid[] propertyDataIds = inkWord.GetPropertyDataIds();
// Snippets to demonstrate loading and saving
byte[] data = inkWord.SavePropertiesData();
if (!inkWord.LoadPropertiesData(data))
MessageBox.Show("Cannot load property data");
this.currentNode = selectedNode;
private void PopulateLinksList(ContextNode selectedNode)
if (selectedNode == null)
foreach (ContextLink link in selectedNode.Links)
linksListBox.Items.Add(link.SourceNode.ToString() + ", " +
link.DestinationNode.ToString() + ": " +
private void MarkNodeAsRed(ContextNode selectedNode)
// Set all node strokes to black, but this one to red
foreach (Stroke stroke in this.theInkCanvas.Strokes)
if (selectedNode != null &&
stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color = Colors.Red;
stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color =
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