ContextNodeBaseCollection 클래스
업데이트: 2007년 11월
잉크 분석의 결과인 ContextNodeBase 개체 컬렉션을 포함합니다.
네임스페이스: System.Windows.Ink.AnalysisCore
어셈블리: IACore(IACore.dll)
Public Class ContextNodeBaseCollection _
Implements ICollection, IEnumerable
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As ContextNodeBaseCollection
public class ContextNodeBaseCollection : ICollection,
public ref class ContextNodeBaseCollection : ICollection,
public class ContextNodeBaseCollection implements ICollection,
public class ContextNodeBaseCollection implements ICollection, IEnumerable
다음 예제에서는 이름이 theInkAnalyzerBase인 InkAnalyzerBase의 InkAnalyzerBase.FindNodesOfType 메서드에서 ContextNodeBaseCollection을 반복하는 방법을 보여 줍니다. 또한 모든 줄 노드를 반복하고 두 개의 잉크 단어 노드가 같은 단어로 존재하면 해당 노드를 빨간색으로 표시합니다.
' If two identical ink words occur next to each other, mark them as red.
' Note: This doesn't actually look for pairs that go across two lines.
Dim lines As ContextNodeBaseCollection = _
For Each lineNode As ContextNodeBase In lines
Dim previousWord As ContextNodeBase = Nothing
Dim previousWordRecognizedString As String = ""
For Each inkWord As ContextNodeBase In _
theInkAnalyzerBase.FindNodesOfType(ContextNodeTypeBase.InkWord, lineNode)
Dim inkWordRecognizedString As String = ""
If inkWord.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForContextNodesBase.RecognizedString) Then
inkWordRecognizedString = _
CType(inkWord.GetPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForContextNodesBase.RecognizedString), String)
End If
' TODO: I think I can get rid of this and just assign the previous string
' to the current string
If Not previousWord Is Nothing Then
previousWordRecognizedString = _
CType(previousWord.GetPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForContextNodesBase.RecognizedString), String)
End If
If previousWordRecognizedString <> "" Then
Dim previousWordStrokes As Strokes = theInk.CreateStrokes(previousWord.GetStrokeIds())
Dim inkWordStrokes As Strokes = theInk.CreateStrokes(previousWord.GetStrokeIds())
For Each aStroke As Stroke In previousWordStrokes
aStroke.DrawingAttributes = New DrawingAttributes(Color.Red)
Next aStroke
For Each aStroke As Stroke In inkWordStrokes
aStroke.DrawingAttributes = New DrawingAttributes(Color.Red)
Next aStroke
End If
previousWord = inkWord
Next inkWord
Next lineNode
// If two identical ink words occur next to each other, mark them as red.
// Note: This doesn't actually look for pairs that go across two lines.
ContextNodeBaseCollection lines =
foreach (ContextNodeBase lineNode in lines)
ContextNodeBase previousWord = null;
string previousWordRecognizedString = "";
foreach (ContextNodeBase inkWord in
theInkAnalyzerBase.FindNodesOfType(ContextNodeTypeBase.InkWord, lineNode))
string inkWordRecognizedString = "";
if (inkWord.ContainsPropertyData(PropertyGuidsForContextNodesBase.RecognizedString))
inkWordRecognizedString =
// TODO: I think I can get rid of this and just assign the previous string
// to the current string
if (previousWord != null &&
previousWordRecognizedString =
if (previousWordRecognizedString != "" &&
previousWordRecognizedString == inkWordRecognizedString)
Strokes previousWordStrokes = theInk.CreateStrokes(previousWord.GetStrokeIds());
Strokes inkWordStrokes = theInk.CreateStrokes(previousWord.GetStrokeIds());
foreach (Stroke stroke in previousWordStrokes)
stroke.DrawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes(Color.Red);
foreach (Stroke stroke in inkWordStrokes)
stroke.DrawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes(Color.Red);
previousWord = inkWord;
상속 계층 구조
스레드로부터의 안전성
이 형식의 모든 공용 static(Visual Basic의 경우 Shared) 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전합니다. 인터페이스 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전하지 않습니다.
Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003
.NET Framework 및 .NET Compact Framework에서 모든 플랫폼의 전체 버전을 지원하지는 않습니다. 지원되는 버전의 목록을 보려면 .NET Framework 시스템 요구 사항을 참조하십시오.
버전 정보
.NET Framework
3.0에서 지원