InkWordNode 클래스
업데이트: 2007년 11월
인식 가능한 단어를 형성하는 논리적 그룹화를 구성하는 스트로크 컬렉션에 대한 ContextNode를 나타냅니다.
네임스페이스: Microsoft.Ink
어셈블리: Microsoft.Ink.Analysis(Microsoft.Ink.Analysis.dll)
Public NotInheritable Class InkWordNode _
Inherits ContextNode
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As InkWordNode
public sealed class InkWordNode : ContextNode
public ref class InkWordNode sealed : public ContextNode
public final class InkWordNode extends ContextNode
public final class InkWordNode extends ContextNode
InkWordNode 개체에는 자식이 포함될 수 없습니다.
다음 예제에서는 InkAnalyzer인 theInkAnalyzer에서 모든 InkWordNode 개체를 반복하면서 회전된 경계 사각형, 어센더, 디센더, 중간선 및 기준선을 보여 주는 선을 그립니다. 선은 Panel인 theNotesPanel에 그려집니다.
Dim panelGraphics As Graphics = theNotesPanel.CreateGraphics()
Dim theRenderer As Renderer = theInkCollector.Renderer
' Loop through all of the ink words
Dim inkWords As ContextNodeCollection = _
Dim inkWord As InkWordNode
For Each inkWord In inkWords
' Show rotated bounding box in blue
' Convert corners to pixel coordinates
Dim corners As Point() = inkWord.GetRotatedBoundingBox()
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, corners)
' Draw the rectangle
panelGraphics.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.Blue), corners)
' Show the ascender line in green
Dim ascenderPoints As Point() = inkWord.GetAscender()
' Convert to pixel coordinates
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, ascenderPoints)
panelGraphics.DrawLines(New Pen(Color.Green), ascenderPoints)
' Show the baseline in purple
Dim basePoints As Point() = inkWord.GetBaseline()
' Convert to pixel coordinates
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, basePoints)
panelGraphics.DrawLines(New Pen(Color.Purple), basePoints)
' Show the descender line in yellow
Dim descenderPoints As Point() = inkWord.GetDescender()
' Convert to pixel coordinates
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, descenderPoints)
panelGraphics.DrawLines(New Pen(Color.Yellow), descenderPoints)
' Show the mid line in brown
Dim midlinePoints As Point() = inkWord.GetMidline()
' Convert to pixel coordinates
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, midlinePoints)
panelGraphics.DrawLines(New Pen(Color.Brown), midlinePoints)
Next inkWord
End Sub 'inkWordMenuItem_Click
Graphics panelGraphics = theNotesPanel.CreateGraphics();
Renderer theRenderer = theInkCollector.Renderer;
// Loop through all of the ink words
ContextNodeCollection inkWords =
foreach (InkWordNode inkWord in inkWords)
// Show rotated bounding box in blue
// Convert corners to pixel coordinates
Point[] corners = inkWord.GetRotatedBoundingBox();
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, ref corners);
// Draw the rectangle
panelGraphics.DrawPolygon(new Pen(Color.Blue), corners);
// Show the ascender line in green
Point[] ascenderPoints = inkWord.GetAscender();
// Convert to pixel coordinates
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, ref ascenderPoints);
panelGraphics.DrawLines(new Pen(Color.Green), ascenderPoints);
// Show the baseline in purple
Point[] basePoints = inkWord.GetBaseline();
// Convert to pixel coordinates
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, ref basePoints);
panelGraphics.DrawLines(new Pen(Color.Purple), basePoints);
// Show the descender line in yellow
Point[] descenderPoints = inkWord.GetDescender();
// Convert to pixel coordinates
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, ref descenderPoints);
panelGraphics.DrawLines(new Pen(Color.Yellow), descenderPoints);
// Show the mid line in brown
Point[] midlinePoints = inkWord.GetMidline();
// Convert to pixel coordinates
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(panelGraphics, ref midlinePoints);
panelGraphics.DrawLines(new Pen(Color.Brown), midlinePoints);
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