InkPicture.StrokesDeleted 이벤트
업데이트: 2007년 11월
Stroke 개체가 InkPicture 컨트롤의 Ink 속성에서 삭제된 후에 발생합니다.
네임스페이스: Microsoft.Ink
어셈블리: Microsoft.Ink(Microsoft.Ink.dll)
Public Event StrokesDeleted As InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As InkPicture
Dim handler As InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler
AddHandler instance.StrokesDeleted, handler
public event InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler StrokesDeleted
event InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler^ StrokesDeleted {
void add (InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler^ value);
void remove (InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler^ value);
/** @event */
public void add_StrokesDeleted (InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler value)
/** @event */
public void remove_StrokesDeleted (InkOverlayStrokesDeletedEventHandler value)
JScript에서는 이벤트를 지원하지 않습니다.
이벤트 처리기는 데이터가 들어 있지 않은 EventArgs 형식의 인수를 받습니다.
이 예제에서는 Stoke() 이벤트 및 StrokesDeleted 이벤트에 대한 알림을 신청하여 InkPicture 컨트롤의 배경색을 수정하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.
Stoke() 이벤트가 발생하면 EditingMode 속성을 조사합니다. 현재 잉크 모드인 경우 컨트롤의 배경색이 흰색으로 변경됩니다. 스트로크를 지울 때도 Stoke() 이벤트가 발생하기 때문에 EditingMode 속성을 확인해야 합니다.
Private Sub mInkPicture_Stroke3(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs)
' If you are in inking mode, change background to white.
' (This event will also fire in Delete mode because the movement made by
' the eraser is considered a stroke.)
If (InkOverlayEditingMode.Ink = mInkPicture.EditingMode) Then
mInkPicture.BackColor = Color.White
End If
End Sub
private void mInkPicture_Stroke3(object sender, InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs e)
// If you are in inking mode, change background to white.
// (This event will also fire in Delete mode because the movement made by
// the eraser is considered a stroke.)
if (InkOverlayEditingMode.Ink == mInkPicture.EditingMode)
mInkPicture.BackColor = Color.White;
StrokesDeleted 이벤트가 발생하면 Stokes() 컬렉션을 조사합니다. 컬렉션에 Stroke 개체가 없거나 지우개의 스트로크만 남아 있으면 컨트롤의 배경색이 회색으로 변경됩니다.
Private Sub mInkPicture_StrokesDeleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Change the background to gray if there are no strokes.
' If the last stroke was deleted by an eraser, there will be one transparent
' stroke, which is the stroke made by the eraser itself.
If (mInkPicture.Ink.Strokes.Count = 0 Or _
(mInkPicture.Ink.Strokes.Count = 1 And _
mInkPicture.Ink.Strokes(0).DrawingAttributes.Transparency = 255)) Then
mInkPicture.BackColor = Color.Gray
End If
End Sub
private void mInkPicture_StrokesDeleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Change the background to gray if there are no strokes.
// If the last stroke was deleted by an eraser, there will be one transparent
// stroke, which is the stroke made by the eraser itself.
if (mInkPicture.Ink.Strokes.Count == 0 ||
(mInkPicture.Ink.Strokes.Count == 1 &&
mInkPicture.Ink.Strokes[0].DrawingAttributes.Transparency == 255))
mInkPicture.BackColor = Color.Gray;
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