다음을 통해 공유

ISymUnmanagedReader::Initialize Method

Initializes the symbol reader with the metadata importer interface that this reader will be associated with, along with the file name of the module.


This method can be called only once, and must be called before any other reader methods.

HRESULT Initialize (
    [in]  IUnknown     *importer,
    [in]  const WCHAR  *filename,
    [in]  const WCHAR  *searchPath,
    [in]  IStream      *pIStream);


  • importer
    [in] The metadata importer interface with which this reader will be associated.

  • filename
    [in] The file name of the module. You can use the pIStream parameter instead.

  • searchPath
    [in] The path to search. This parameter is optional.

  • pIStream
    [in] The file stream, used as an alternative to the filename parameter.

Return Value

S_OK if the method succeeds; otherwise, E_FAIL or some other error code.


You need to specify only one of the filename or the pIStream parameters, not both. The searchPath parameter is optional.


Header: CorSym.idl

See Also


ISymUnmanagedReader Interface