다음을 통해 공유

Using Messaging Components 

The MessageQueue component allows you to build complex messaging into your applications. Using MessageQueue component instances, you can easily send messages to and receive messages from any queue in your network.

XML Web services provide another means for incorporating messaging-type behavior into your applications. Using XML Web services, you can pass information back and forth between a Web application and any client. For more information, see Introduction to Programming XML Web Services in Managed Code.

The MessageQueue component allows you to easily incorporate message-based communication into your applications. Using this component and its associated language features, you can send and receive messages, explore existing queues, create and delete queues, and perform a variety of other operations using a simple programming model.

In This Section

  • Sending and Serializing Messages
    Recommends additional pages on sending simple and complex messages to a variety of queue types, requesting acknowledgement, using journals, and sending datasets in messages.
  • Reading and Receiving Messages
    Recommends additional pages on reading messages procedurally, handling asynchronous operations, and peeking at messages in a queue.
  • Message Queue Security
    Provides an overview of encrypting and authenticating the messages you send and receive.
  • Using Installation Components
    Describes how to use installation components to configure the system resources needed by your MessageQueue component.
  • System.Messaging
    Describes the major features of the System.Messaging namespace