Creating Timer-Based Server Tasks
Using the Timer component and language features in Visual Studio or the Microsoft .NET Framework, you can easily create events that are raised on recurring intervals.
In This Section
- Introduction to Server-Based Timers
Explains the server-based Timer component and how you can use it to raise events at simple intervals.
- Timer Programming Architecture
Gives an overview of the basic language elements of the server-based Timer component.
- How to: Create Instances of Server-Based Timers
Describes how to create Timer components to build interval-based events into your multi-threaded application.
- How to: Monitor Server-Based Timers
Explains how to create a handler for the Elapsed event.
Related Sections
- System.Timers
Describes the major features of the System.Timers namespace.
- Timer Component Overview (Windows Forms)
Describes the Windows-based timer and how you can use it.
- Programming with Components
Presents a high-level overview of component programming and authoring.