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ICorDebugStepper::StepRange Method

Causes this ICorDebugStepper Interface to single-step through its containing thread, and to return when it reaches code beyond the last of the specified ranges.

HRESULT StepRange (
    [in] BOOL        bStepIn,
    [in, size_is(cRangeCount)] COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE ranges[],
    [in] ULONG32     cRangeCount


Parameter Description


[in] Set to true to step into a function that is called within the thread. Set to false to step over the function.


[in] An array of COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE Structure structures, each of which specifies a range.


[in] The size of the ranges array.


The StepRange method works like the ICorDebugStepper::Step Method method, except it will not complete until code outside the given range is reached.

This can be more efficient than stepping one instruction at a time. Ranges are specified as a list of offset pairs from the start of the stepper's frame.

Ranges are relative to the IL code of a method. Call ICorDebugStepper::SetRangeIL Method with false to make the ranges relative to the native code of a method.


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family

Header: CorDebug.idl

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Version: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

See Also


ICorDebugStepper Interface
ICorDebugStepper2 Interface