다음을 통해 공유

INativeImageEvaluate Interface

Provides a callback method to determine whether native images can be used by the common language runtime.

interface INativeImageEvaluate : IUnknown {
    HRESULT Evaluate (
        IAssembly    *pILAssembly,
        IAssembly    *pNativeAssembly,
        BYTE         *pbCachedData,
        DWORD        dwDataSize


Method Description

INativeImageEvalute::Evaluate Method

Gets a value that indicates whether the specified native image can be used with the specified managed assembly.


The Evaluate method must be called before either the managed or the native assembly is loaded.


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family

Header: Cor.h

Library: Used as a resource in Mscoree.dll

.NET Framework Version: 2.0

See Also

Other Resources

Metadata Interfaces