다음을 통해 공유

IIdentityAuthority Interface

Manages identity keys for code objects.

interface IIdentityAuthority : IUnknown {
    HRESULT AreDefinitionsEqual (
        [in]  DWORD               dwFlags,
        [in]  IDefinitionIdentity *pDefinition1,
        [in]  IDefinitionIdentity *pDefinition2,
        [out] BOOL                *pfEqual
    HRESULT AreReferencesEqual (
        [in]  DWORD               dwFlags,
        [in]  IReferenceIdentity  *pReference1,
        [in]  IReferenceIdentity  *pReference2,
        [out] BOOL                *pfEqual
    HRESULT AreTextualDefinitionsEqual (
        [in]  DWORD               dwFlags,
        [in]  LPCWSTR             pszIdentityLeft,
        [in]  LPCWSTR             pszIdentityRight,
        [out] BOOL                *pfEqual
    HRESULT AreTextualReferencesEqual (
        [in]  DWORD               dwFlags,
        [in]  LPCWSTR             pszIdentityLeft,
        [in]  LPCWSTR             pszIdentityRight,
        [out] BOOL                *pfEqual
    HRESULT CreateDefinition (
        [retval][out] IDefinitionIdentity **ppNewIdentity
    HRESULT CreateReference (
        [retval][out] IReferenceIdentity  **ppNewIdentity
    HRESULT DefinitionToText (
        [in]  DWORD               dwFlags,
        [in]  IDefinitionIdentity  *pIDefinitionIdentity,
           [out] LPWSTR               *ppszFormattedIdentity
    HRESULT DefinitionToTextBuffer (
        [in]  DWORD                dwFlags,
        [in]  IDefinitionIdentity  *pIDefinitionIdentity,
        [in]  ULONG                cchBufferSize,
        [in, out, length_is(cchBufferSize),
            size_is(pcchBufferRequired)] WCHAR wchBuffer[],
        [out] ULONG                *pcchBufferRequired
    HRESULT DoesDefinitionMatchReference (
        [in]  DWORD                dwFlags,
        [in]  IDefinitionIdentity  *pIDefinitionIdentity,
        [in]  IReferenceIdentity   *pIReferenceIdentity,
        [out] BOOL                 *pfMatches
    HRESULT DoesTextualDefinitionMatchTextualReference (
        [in]  DWORD   dwFlags,
        [in]  LPCWSTR pszDefinition,
        [in]  LPCWSTR pszReference,
        [out] BOOL    *pfMatches
    HRESULT GenerateDefinitionKey (
        [in]  DWORD               dwFlags,
        [in]  IDefinitionIdentity *pIDefinitionIdentity,
        [out] LPWSTR              *ppszKeyForm
    HRESULT GenerateReferenceKey (
        [in]  DWORD               dwFlags,
        [in]  IReferenceIdentity  *pIReferenceIdentity,
        [out] LPWSTR              *ppszKeyForm
    HRESULT HashDefinition (
        [in]  DWORD                dwFlags,
        [in]  IDefinitionIdentity  *pIDefinitionIdentity,
        [out] ULONGLONG            *pullPseudoKey
    HRESULT HashReference (
        [in]  DWORD                dwFlags,
        [in]  IReferenceIdentity   *pIReferenceIdentity,
        [out] ULONGLONG            *pullPseudoKey
    HRESULT ReferenceToText (
        [in]  DWORD                 dwFlags,
        [in]  IReferenceIdentity    *pIReferenceIdentity,
             [out] LPWSTR                *ppszFormattedIdentity
    HRESULT ReferenceToTextBuffer (
        [in]  DWORD                 dwFlags,
        [in]  IReferenceIdentity    *pIReferenceIdentity,
        [in]  ULONG                 cchBufferSize,
        [in, out, length_is(cchBufferSize),
            size_is(pcchBufferRequired)] WCHAR wchBuffer[],
        [out] ULONG                 *pcchBufferRequired
    HRESULT TextToDefinition (
        [in]  DWORD                 dwFlags,
        [in]  LPCWSTR               pszIdentity,
        [out] IDefinitionIdentity   **ppIDefinitionIdentity
    HRESULT TextToReference (
        [in]  DWORD                 dwFlags,
        [in]  LPCWSTR               pszIdentity,
               [out] IReferenceIdentity    **ppIReferenceIdentity


Method Description


Gets a value that indicates whether the two specified IDefinitionIdentity Interface instances are equal.


Gets a value that indicates whether the two specified IReferenceIdentity Interface instances are equal.


Gets a value that indicates whether the two specified string definition identity representations are equal.


Gets a value that indicates whether the two specified string reference identity representations are equal.


Gets a pointer to a new IDefinitionIdentity instance that represents the code object in the current scope.


Gets a pointer to a new IReferenceIdentity instance that represents the code object in the current scope.


Gets a formatted string version of the specified IDefinitionIdentity.


Fills the specified wide character buffer with a string version of the specified IDefinitionIdentity.


Gets a value that indicates whether the specified IDefinitionIdentity and IReferenceIdentity instances refer to the same code object.


Gets a value that indicates whether the specified strings refer to the same code object.


Gets a pointer to a newly created string key for the specified IDefinitionIdentity.


Gets a pointer to a newly created string key for the specified IReferenceIdentity.


Gets a hash value for the specified IDefinitionIdentity.


Gets a hash value for the specified IreferenceIdentity.


Gets a formatted string version of the specified IReferenceIdentity.


Fills the specified wide character buffer with a string version of the specified IReferenceIdentity.


Gets an interface pointer to an IDefinitionIdentity instance generated from the specified formatted string.


Gets an interface pointer to an IReferenceIdentity instance generated from the specified formatted string.


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family

Header: Isolation.h

.NET Framework Version: 2.0

See Also

Other Resources

Fusion Interfaces