다음을 통해 공유

ICorDebugStepper::SetInterceptMask Method

Sets a value that specifies the types of code that are stepped into.

HRESULT SetInterceptMask (
    [in] CorDebugIntercept    mask


Parameter Description


[in] A combination of values of the CorDebugIntercept Enumeration enumeration that specifies the types of code.


If the bit for an interceptor is set, the stepper will complete when the given type of intercepting code is encountered. If the bit is cleared, the intercepting code will be skipped.

The SetInterceptMask method may have unforeseen interactions with ICorDebugStepper::SetUnmappedStopMask Method (from the user's point of view). For example, if the only visible (that is, non-internal) portion of class initialization code lacks mapping information and STOP_NO_MAPPING_INFO isn't set (see the ICorDebugStepper::SetUnmappedStopMask Method method and the CorDebugUnmappedStop Enumeration enumeration), then the stepper will step over the class initialization. By default, only the INTERCEPT_NONE value of the CorDebugIntercept Enumeration enumeration will be used.


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family

Header: CorDebug.idl

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Version: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

See Also


ICorDebugStepper Interface
ICorDebugStepper2 Interface