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How to: Create a New Model and View it in "Quadrant"

[This is prerelease documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Microsoft code name “Quadrant” is part of the code name “Oslo” modeling technologies. With the Microsoft code name “M” tools, you can easily create new models and view them in “Quadrant”. This topic walks through the basic process.

Creating a New Model

The first step is to use the “M” grammar to create a new model. The following procedure creates a new "BusinessGoals" model.

To create a new model with the "M" tools

  1. Open the Ipad.exe application code name “Intellipad” tool for code name “Oslo”. By default, the application is installed in the following path:

    <drive>\program files\Microsoft Oslo\1.0\bin
  2. Copy the following code into the code name “Intellipad” tool for code name “Oslo” tool.

    module Microsoft.Samples
       export BusinessGoal, BusinessGoals;
       BusinessGoals: BusinessGoal*;
       type BusinessGoal
            Id : Integer64 => AutoNumber();
            Name : Text;
            Priority : Integer32;
            Description : Text?;
            DefinedInBusinessGoal : BusinessGoal? where value in BusinessGoals;
       } where identity (Id);  

    The code creates a model named BusinessGoal and an extent named BusinessGoals.

  3. Save the file as BusinessGoals.m.

  4. Open a command window and run the following command. (Replace the <path> parameter with a directory path to which you have write access privileges.)

    m.exe BusinessGoals.m -package:Image -out:<path>
  5. The output of the command is a new file named BusinessGoals.mx. Run the next command line with that output.

    mx.exe install <path>BusinessGoals.mx -database:Repository

    The new models are created and inserted into the “Oslo” repository by the “M” tools.

To view the new entity-type in "Quadrant"

  1. If it is not open, run “Quadrant”.

  2. Optional. If “Quadrant” is already open and connected to the default repository, on the View menu, click Refresh.

  3. In the repository explorer, expand the Catalog node.

  4. Click Microsoft.Samples. The BusinessGoals extent appears below the node.

  5. Drag and drop the BusinessGoals icon to an empty space on the workspace. By default, the workpad opens with a table viewer.

Creating New Entities

The workpad opens with the title BusinessGoals-Collection. The workpad is empty because no entities have been created yet. (Keep the Explorer open for the moment, or move the BusinessGoals-Collection workpad to a place where it can be easily found.)

To add new entities to the extent

  1. Click the BusinessGoals-Collection workpad to select it.

  2. In the Edit menu, click Insert Item. A new row appears in the table.

  3. Click the Name field and set the value to Grow Contoso.

  4. Click the Description field and set the value to Grow Contoso Corp. profits by 50%.

  5. Click the Priority field and set the value to 1.

  6. Leave the DefinedInBusinessGoal field blank.

  7. Click Commit Row.

  8. In the Edit menu, click Insert Item. A new row appears in the table.

  9. Click the Name field and set the value to Hire Sales Force.

  10. Click the Description field and set the value to Open new markets.

  11. Click the Priority field and set the value to 2.

  12. Click the DefinedInBusinessGoal. A downward-pointing arrow (V) and a plus sign (+) appear in the row to the right.

  13. Click the arrow and, from the drop-down list, click Grow Contoso.

    The "Hire Sales Force" goal is now a subgoal of the "Grow Contoso" goal.

  14. Use the following table to add a third goal to the extent.

    Property Value




    Hire Tech Support


    Increase customer satisfaction


    Grow Contoso

  15. Use the following table to add a fourth goal to the extent.

    Property Value




    Finish Fabrikam Merger


    Finalize details



  16. Use the following table to add a fifth goal to the extent.

    Property Value




    Meet with Fabrikam Legal


    Clear legal obligations


    Finish Fabrikam Merger

Explore the model

You can now explore the model using different “Quadrant” viewers.

To examine the model as a tree master/detail

  1. Click the label Table in the upper right corner of the workpad. A drop-down list of viewers that are available for the extent appears.

  2. From the drop-down list, click Tree Master/Detail. The workpad switches to a tree viewer.

  3. Click the Grow Contoso node. In the right pane, details about the goal appear.

  4. Click the triangle to the left of the Grow Contoso node. The node expands, and the BusinessGoals_DefinedInBUsinessGoals node appears in the tree.

  5. Expand the BusinessGoals_DefinedInBUsinessGoals node. The Hire Tech Support node appears.

See Also


How to: Use Complex Viewers in "Quadrant"


"Quadrant" Interface Tour

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