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"Quadrant" Tree Viewer

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A Tree Viewer represents data as a hierarchy. This topic describes the UI features for the Tree Viewer. By setting the available options, you can create custom Tree Viewers to filter and format data.

Tree Viewer Settings

You can set the following options for the Tree Viewer in the workpad or through the Data menu. After changing the viewer, you can save it by selecting Save View As on the Workpad menu.

To make this custom viewer the default viewer for the Tree view, select Set As Default View on the Workpad menu.

Options on the Data Menu

Show Child Counts toggles between listing and hiding the number of child nodes next to the name of each parent node.

Show Empty Group toggles between listing and hiding any relationship that is empty under a node.

Sort by Display Name sorts all nodes in alphabetical order.

Adding and Deleting Nodes

You can insert a new item under any node in the tree by selecting Insert Item on the Data menu. Alternatively, right-click the node and select Insert Item. Note that Insert Item has a submenu that lists all the available record types for insertion, depending on the context of the selected object. The list can include any type in the hierarchy or any type that is defined in the database schemas.

To delete an item, highlight it. An x appears to the right of the node. Click the x to delete the item. You can also select the item and, on the Data menu, click Delete Item. Alternatively, right-click the item and click Delete Item. On the File menu, click Save Changes to commit this change to the database.

Examining a Node in Detail

To examine a node in detail, drag the node to an empty place in the workspace. A new workpad appears, displaying the node in a Properties Viewer.

See Also

Other Resources

"Quadrant" User Interface Reference