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"Quadrant" Properties Viewer

[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]

A Properties Viewer displays data as a categorized list, which allows easy viewing and editing, even for a fairly large set of data. Data in a Properties Viewer is arranged in sections that you can expand and collapse to locate a specific property quickly. When you change a property, the changes are immediately propagated and visible to all associated entities on the workspace.

This topic describes the UI features for the Properties Viewer. You can create custom Properties Viewers to filter and format the data you see.

Properties Viewer Settings

You can set the following options for the Properties Viewer in the workpad or through the Data menu. After changing the viewer, you can save it by selecting Save View As in the Workpad menu. To make this custom viewer the default viewer for the Properties view, select Set As Default View in the Workpad menu.

Collapse/Expand a Property Section

Click the Section header to expand or collapse the corresponding section. Sections that contain less common properties are automatically hidden by “Quadrant”. To expand such sections, click the down arrow below the separator.

Viewer Switches

To configure this option for a specific field in the properties viewer, click the field, and select View Item Asin the Data menu. You can also drag a collection from the properties viewer to the workspace to open it in a new workpad. For example, in a workpad that is hosting a Person-type record, you can expand the References section and drag the Tasks node from the Person workpad to the workspace. The task collection will be displayed in table view in the new workpad. By doing this, you can view related content on the workspace simultaneously.

Similarly, to examine the Events field in the References section, drag the icon for Events to the workspace. A new workpad in table view appears to show a collection of current events for this person. You can use the Insert Item command in the Data menu to add a new event to the list.

For more information, see How to: Examine Data in Detail.

See Also


How to: Examine Data in Detail