다음을 통해 공유

Scripting the Configuration Synchronization DTS Task

The following script creates and runs the Configuration Synchronization DTS task. You can use this script in two ways to create a package that contains the DTS task to run:

  • You can run the package on the command line by using the command DTSRun.exe. The file DTSRun.exe is automatically installed on your server when you install SQL Server.

  • You can copy the script into a Visual Basic script (.vbs) file and run it by using CScript as follows:


For a description of the Configuration Synchronization DTS task, see Commerce Server DTS Tasks.

' Configuration Synchronization DTS Task
' This script creates a DTS package and runs it.
Dim oPackage 
Dim oTask 
Dim oStep 
Dim oProps 
Dim oTaskProps 
set oPackage = WScript.CreateOBject("DTS.Package")

' Define package properties.
oPackage.Name = "Configuration Synchronization DTS Task"
oPackage.Description = "Synchronizes the Data Warehouse with your Commerce Server application after you change configuration settings."

' Create a task.
Set oTask = oPackage.Tasks.New("Commerce.DTSSyncAdminData")
oTask.Name = "Task1"
oTask.Description = "Creates a task for ConfigSync DTS"
Set oTaskProps = oTask.Properties

' Set Configuration Synchronization DTS task properties.
oTaskProps("SourceType").value = 0
' Make sure that the SourceName is set to the correct site.
oTaskProps("SourceName").value = "RetailSite"
oPackage.Tasks.Add oTask

' ******************************************************************
' Create a step.
' ******************************************************************
Set oStep = oPackage.Steps.New
oStep.Name = "Step1"
oStep.TaskName = "Task1"

' For custom tasks written in Visual Basic, the steps cannot run on a 
' secondary thread.

oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = True
oPackage.Steps.Add oStep

' ******************************************************************
' Execute the package.
' ******************************************************************
    For I = 1 To oPackage.Steps.Count
        If oPackage.Steps(I).ExecutionResult = 1 Then
            iStatus = False
            MsgBox oPackage.Steps(I).Name + " in the " + _
            oPackage.Name + " failed."
        End If

MsgBox oPackage.Name + " Done"

Set oStep = Nothing
Set oTaskProps = Nothing
Set oProps = Nothing
Set oTaskProps = Nothing
Set oPackage = Nothing

See Also

Other Resources

DTSSyncAdminData Object

Commerce Server DTS Tasks

Scripting DTS Tasks