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Working With the Address Book Web Part

The Address Book Web Part provides shoppers with an interface in which to view and manage their addresses.

Web Part


Both shipping and billing address are grouped together by default, but can be filtered by using the two checkboxes on the Web Part. If more than one address is in the shopper's profile, all the addresses are displayed on-screen either horizontally or vertically depending on the settings of the Repeat Direction property and the Repeat Columns property (see below):


Shoppers can also mark an address as either shipping or billing (or both) and once marked as such, they can designate an address as the primary billing or primary shipping address. An address can be both a shipping and billing address and can be the primary in both categories. Each category can only have one primary address.

From the Address Book Web Part, shoppers can remove an address through an action button. When shoppers remove an address, they are prompted to confirm their action (this is optional; site designers can set a property in this Web Part whether to confirm deletion).


A shopper cannot delete an address that is associated with a credit card.

If shoppers want to edit an address, they can invoke the edit action that redirects them to the Address Detail Web Part that lets them complete the address editing process. The shopper can also click the New Address control at the top of the page that redirects them to the Address Detail Web Part to create a new address.

The field labels are dynamic based on the locale and culture of the page. For example, if you set up the address Book Web Part to display text for a US English-speaking shopper, the Region field would be State and the Postal Code field would be Zip Code.

Property Sheet

The following figure shows the Address Book Web Part property sheet. The Address Book Web Part property sheet lets site designers control some aspects of the Web Part's behavior and appearance. The property sheet is displayed by selecting the edit option on the Web Page (in Edit Page mode) and then selecting Modify Shared Web Part. This displays the property sheet. Expand the sections to see the relevant properties.



The following table lists and describes the properties for the Address Book Web Part.





Use "deletion confirmation" pop-up


If checked, causes a pop-up to be displayed asking the user to confirm the deletion. You can configure the text displayed using the ' "Delete confirmation" pop-up text' field.

True (Mandatory)

Display "back" button


If checked, allows the user to use the browser's Back button to navigate to the previous page.

False (Mandatory)

"Address Detail" page URL


The URL of the address detail page



"Action" URL parameter


The value assigned to the field for queries

act (Mandatory)

"Address ID" URL parameter


The value assigned to the address field for queries

address (Mandatory)

"Address list" section title text


Sets the text displayed above the address list.

My Address Book

"Is billing address" check box text


Sets the text displayed beside the "is billing address" check box.

This is a billing address

"Add new address" button text


Sets the text displayed on the "add new address" button.

Add New Address

"Back" button text


Sets the text displayed on the "back" button.

Back to

"Edit" button text


Sets the text displayed on the "edit" button.


"Remove" button text


Sets the text displayed on the "remove" button.


"City" label text


Sets the text displayed the "city" value.

* City

"Country" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the "country" value.

* Country

CSS class


Sets the style sheet "class" name used when outputting the HTML markup of this Web Part.


"Default billing address" check box text


Sets the text displayed beside the "set as default billing address" check box.

Mark as default billing address

"Default shipping address" check box text


Sets the text displayed beside the "set as default shipping address" check box.

Mark as default shipping address

"Delete confirmation" pop-up text


Sets the text displayed on the delete confirmation pop-up.

Confirm Address Deletion

Instructional text


Sets the text block displayed below the title. Can be used to provide instructions to end users.

Click the 'Add New Address' button to add to your address book.

"Line 1" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the "line 1" value.

* Address line 1

"Line 2" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the "line 2" value.

Address line 2

"Billing addresses list" text


Sets the text displayed above the "billing addresses" list.

Billing Addresses

"Shipping addresses" list text


Sets the text displayed above the "shipping addresses" list.

Shipping Addresses

"Phone number" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the "phone number" value.

* Phone number

"Postal code" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the "postal code" value.

* Postal Code

"Province" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the "province" value.

* Province

Layout : # of columns


Sets the number of columns to use when laying out the collection of addresses.

The number of columns of addresses to display (if there are more addresses than columns, new rows are created as needed)


Layout : Orientation


Sets the orientation of the "columns" when laying out the collection of addresses.


"Is shipping address" check box text


Sets the text displayed beside the "is shipping address" check box.

This is a shipping address

"State" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the "state" value.

* State

"View" label text


Sets the "view" label text.

Display my addresses by type:

"Zip code" label text


Sets the text displayed beside the "zip code" value.

* Zip/Postal Code

See Also

Other Resources

Working With the Web Parts

Profile Administration Web Parts

Address Detail Web Part