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Ranking Items in a Catalog

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

You can use ranking to control how items are displayed on your Web site. For example, you can have your more popular products appear first or you can have slower-moving products displayed more prominently. You can rank child products and categories in a category, variants in a product family, root products and categories in base catalogs, and related products and categories.

You can also rank the enumeration values for an enumeration property. For example, if you have a product in several sizes, you can rank these property values to control the order in which the sizes are displayed.

Ranking applies to both base catalogs and virtual catalogs. Items and relationships in a virtual catalog inherit their ranking from the base catalog. You can override the ranks in the virtual catalog.

It is possible to have the same ranking for two or more items. Items are first sorted by rank, then alphabetically. If you do not specify a rank for an item, relationship, or property, the sorting is alphabetical.

In This Section


See Also

Other Resources

How to Create a Product Relationship

How to Create a Category Relationship