내부 클래스
The following classes are used internally in MFC. 완벽을 기하기 위해 이 단원에서는 이러한 내부 클래스에 대해 설명하지만 이러한 내부 클래스는 코드에서 직접 사용할 수 없습니다.
단원 내용
클래스 |
설명 |
CCommandManager Class |
The CCommandManager class manages commands and their association with images. |
CDialogImpl Class (MFC) |
Provides implementation details to dialog box-based classes, such as CDialogEx. |
CDocumentAdapter Class |
Implements IDocument interface required for Search and Organize handlers. |
CFrameImpl Class |
The CFrameImpl class handles toolbar customization for the following frame window classes: CFrameWndEx 클래스, CMDIFrameWndEx 클래스, and COleIPFrameWndEx 클래스. |
CFullScreenImpl Class |
Implements full-screen functionality common to SDI and MDI applications. |
CMDIClientAreaWnd Class |
The CMDIClientAreaWnd class is a helper class that simplifies implementation of MDI tabs and MDI tabbed groups. |
CMemDC Class |
A helper class for a memory device context. The memory device context supports offscreen drawing. |
CMenuHash Class |
Reads the state of CMFCToolBar objects from an archive or writes the state to an archive. |
CMenuImages Class |
Provides the functionality to display predefined images such as close buttons, maximize buttons, radio buttons, and arrows. |
CMFCCaptionButtonEx Class |
Holds the non-client area of system caption buttons. |
CMFCCaptionMenuButton Class |
Represents a menu button that is located in the caption area of a task pane or toolbar. |
CMFCColorPropertySheet Class |
Used by CMFCColorDialog 클래스 to provide a tabbed dialog box. |
CMFCControlBarImpl Class |
Provides implementation details to control bar-based classes, such as CMFCReBar and CMFCToolBar. |
CMFCControlRenderer Class |
A helper class that handles image rendering. |
CMFCControlRendererInfo Class |
A helper class for passing parameters to CMFCControlRenderer class. |
CMFCCustomizeButton Class |
Supports a menu command or a toolbar button that starts a customization dialog box. |
CMFCCustomizeMenuButton Class |
Represents a single button on a customization menu. |
CMFCDropDownListBox Class |
Provides drop-down list box functionality to ribbon combo boxes. |
CMFCMousePropertyPage Class |
A property page that enables the user to customize mouse behavior. |
CMFCOutlookBarPaneAdapter Class |
CMFCOutlookBarPaneButton Class |
Implements a button that the framework adds to a CMFCOutlookBarPane object. |
CMFCOutlookBarPaneList Class |
Extends the CMFCOutlookBarPane class to provide the Outlook visual style. |
CMFCOutlookBarScrollButton Class |
Provides scrolling functionality to the CMFCOutlookBarTabCtrl class. |
CMFCOutlookBarToolBar Class |
Implements a toolbar that has the Outlook 2003 visual style. |
CMFCPropertySheetCategoryInfo Class |
Represents a node in a tree control. |
CMFCPropertySheetTabCtrl Class |
Extends the CMFCTabCtrl class to provide property sheet functionality. |
CMFCProperySheetListBox Class |
Extends the CListBox class to provide property sheet functionality. |
CMFCReBarState Class |
CMFCRibbonCaptionButton Class |
Implements a system caption button. |
CMFCRibbonCmdUI Class |
Updates ribbon bar objects as needed when the application is idle. |
CMFCRibbonCommandsListBox Class |
CMFCRibbonDefaultPanelButton Class |
CMFCRibbonGalleryIcon Class |
Represents an item in a CMFCRibbonGallery object. |
CMFCRibbonKeyboardCustomizeDialog Class |
Implements a keyboard customization dialog box for applications that contain ribbon bars. |
CMFCRibbonKeyTip Class |
Implements a pop-up window that displays a key tip for a ribbon bar. |
CMFCRibbonPanelMenu Class |
CMFCRibbonPanelMenuBar Class |
Represents a pop-up menu bar in a ribbon bar. |
CMFCRibbonQuickAccessToolBar Class |
Implements the Quick Access Toolbar for a ribbon element. |
CMFCRibbonRichEditCtrl Class |
Implements an edit control that is located on a ribbon bar. |
CMFCRibbonTab Class |
Represent a tab on a ribbon bar. |
CMFCShadowRenderer Class |
CMFCShowAllButton Class |
Represents a button that is located at the bottom of a pop-up menu that expands to show hidden commands. |
CMFCStatusBarPaneInfo Class |
Describes the content and appearance of a CMFCStatusBar pane. |
CMFCTabButton Class |
Provides tab button functionality to tab controls. |
CMFCTabInfo Class |
Provides information about a tab to tab controls. |
CMFCTasksPaneFrameWnd Class |
Manages custom caption buttons of a tasks pane. |
CMFCTasksPanePropertyPage Class |
Manages the relationship between a CMFCTasksPane object and its name. |
CMFCTasksPaneToolBar Class |
Implements a navigation toolbar that is located at the top of a CMFCTasksPane object. |
CMFCToolBarButtonsListButton Class |
Displays a list of images that the user can select during customization in the Button Appearance dialog box. |
CMFCToolBarDateTimeCtrlImpl Class |
Implements a drop source for CMFCToolBar objects. |
CMFCToolBarDropSource Class |
Implements a drop source for CMFCToolBar objects. |
CMFCToolBarDropTarget Class |
Implements a drop target for CMFCToolBar objects. |
CMFCToolBarEditCtrl Class |
Provides edit control functionality to CMFCToolBarEditBoxButton objects. |
CMFCToolBarMenuButtonsButton Class |
Represents system caption buttons that are located to the right of a menu bar. |
CMFCToolBarNameDialog Class |
Represents a dialog box that allows the user to specify a new toolbar caption. |
CMFCToolBarsCommandsListBox Class |
Represents a list box that contains a list of toolbar commands. |
CMFCToolBarsCommandsPropertyPage Class |
Implements commands customization on a property page. |
CMFCToolBarsKeyboardPropertyPage Class |
CMFCToolBarsListCheckBox Class |
Displays a list of toolbars on the Toolbars page of a Customize dialog box. |
CMFCToolBarsListPropertyPage Class |
Represents a property page that shows the list of toolbars in a Customize dialog box. |
CMFCToolBarsMenuPropertyPage Class |
Represents a property page that contains menu customization options in a Customize dialog box. |
CMFCToolBarsOptionsPropertyPage Class |
Represents the Options page in a Customize dialog box. |
CMFCToolBarSpinEditBoxButton Class |
Represents a spin button that is located on an edit box. |
CMFCToolBarsToolsPropertyPage Class |
Represents a property page that allows the user to customize user tools. |
CMFCToolBarSystemMenuButton Class |
Implements a system caption button that the framework adds to the main menu bar when a user maximizes an MDI child window. |
CMFCVisualManagerBitmapCache Class |
Manages CMFCControlRenderer objects to improve the performance of operations on bitmaps. |
CMultiDocTemplateEx Class |
Extends the CMultiDocTemplate class to provide access to the menu resource ID. |
COleCntrFrameWndEx Class |
COleDocIPFrameWndEx Class |
Provides OLE support. |
COleServerDocEx Class |
Provides operations on OLE server documents. |
CPaneContainerGC Class |
CPngImage Class |
Provides access to image resources that use the .png file format. |
CPreviewViewEx Class |
CRecentPaneContainerInfo Class |
Holds the previous state of a docking pane. |
CRibbonCategoryScroll Class |
Implements a scroll button that appears when not all elements fit in the area of a ribbon bar. |
CSmartDockingGroupGuide Class |
Represents the central element of a smart-docking group. |
CSmartDockingGroupGuidesManager Class |
Manages the smart-docking group guides. |
CSmartDockingGroupGuidesWnd Class |
Implements a layered, non-rectangular window that the framework uses to display the central group of smart-docking guides. |
CSmartDockingHighlighterWnd Class |
Implements a semi-transparent window that covers the area to be taken by the dockable pane object that is being docked. |
CSmartDockingManager Class |
Provides smart-docking functionality to CDockingManager objects. |
CSmartDockingStandaloneGuide Class |
Implements the smart-docking guide. |
CSmartDockingStandaloneGuideWnd Class |
Implements a layered, non-rectangular window that the framework uses to display smart-docking guides. |
CTagManager Class |
The CTagManager class is intended to read values that are stored in XML-like tagged format. |
CVSListBoxBase Class |
Provides basic functionality to the CVSListBox class. |
CVSListBoxEditCtrl Class |
Extends standard list box edit control by displaying a small button that opens a dialog box. |
CVSToolsListBox Class |
Extends standard list box control by providing additional buttons to add, delete and move items in the list box. |