다음을 통해 공유

Working with Multi-File Components

Some project components in Visual FoxPro actually consist of multiple files: a primary file and one or more implicit files. For example, when you create a form, Visual FoxPro creates an .scx file (the primary file) and an .sct file (the implicit file). The following components have multiple files:


Primary file type

Implicit file type(s)










Class Library








.fpt, .cdx, .idx



.dct, .dcx

When a developer checks out a component file, such as a form, Visual FoxPro also manages the corresponding implicit file or files. Likewise, when a file is checked back in, or a new file added, Visual FoxPro manages the implicit file or files automatically.


If you generate and compile a menu, you create local .mpr and .mpx files as well. These aren't initially under source control, but you can add them as files to your project, and then put them under source control as you would other files.

Checking In Text Files

When you check in a text file such as a .prg file, and if multiple versions of the file are checked out, the source control software doesn't simply overwrite the central version. Instead, it checks whether there have been changes to the file since you last checked it out. If so, it attempts to merge those changes with your file. To do so, it adds, deletes, and changes lines in your copy of the file.

When it's finished merging, the source control software might also give you the opportunity to check in your file. Don't check in your file right away. Instead, test your application using the new version of the file that incorporates both your changes and those of other developers. Only when you're satisfied that the application works correctly, check in your file. If other developers have made further changes to the same file, you might have to merge, test, and check in again.

In some instances, the source control software might report a merge conflict, which indicates that it cannot resolve changes between your changes and those of other developers. This can occur, for example, if you and another developer have been updating the same lines of the same program. If the source control software cannot merge successfully, it creates a version of the file that contains the original text plus your changes, marks the conflicts, and writes that file to your computer. (The exact means by which the conflicts are marked depends on the source control software you're using.) The file then appears in the Project Manager with a merge conflict icon:

FoxProNoMergeSymbol screenshot

To resolve the merge conflict, you must edit the file again, make your changes, and remove the merge conflict markers. When you're finished editing, Visual FoxPro prompts you to confirm that you've resolved all conflicts. The file is then marked with the merge icon:

FoxProMergeSymbol screenshot

Test your application to be sure that the changes are working properly. You can then attempt to check the file in again. If no more merge conflicts occur, your file becomes the current version.

See Also


How to: Check In Files


Managing Files in a Source-Controlled Project

Options Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro)

Other Resources

Planning for Team Development Projects