다음을 통해 공유



When the information for a specific entry in a call log is retrieved, the information is returned within a CALLLOGENTRY structure, as the following example shows:


typedef struct {
  DWORD cbSize;
  FILETIME ftStartTime;
  FILETIME ftEndTime;
  IOM iom;
  BOOL fOutgoing:1;
  BOOL fConnected:1;
  BOOL fEnded:1;
  BOOL fRoam:1;
  PTSTR pszNumber;
  PTSTR pszName;
  PTSTR pszNameType;
  PTSTR pszNote;
  DWORD dwLogFlags;
  CEIOD iodContact;
    CEPROPID pidProp;


  • cbSize
    The size of the CALLLOGENTRY structure. The value of this member must be set to sizeof ** CALLLOGENTRY before the PhoneGetCallLogEntry function is called.
  • ftStartTime
    The start time of the logged call.
  • ftEndTime
    The end time of the logged call.
  • iom
    Indicates whether the call was incoming and was missed or answered, or whether the call was outgoing. This member contains one of the values in the IOM enumeration.
  • fOutgoing:1
    Indicates the direction of the call.
  • fConnected:1
    Indicates whether the call was connected, as opposed to the response being a busy signal or no answer.
  • fEnded:1
    Indicates whether the call was ended, as opposed to being dropped.
  • fRoam:1
    Indicates whether the call was made while the user was outside the home service area (roaming), as opposed to being made within the home service area.
  • cidt
    The caller ID type. This member contains one of the values in the CALLERIDTYPE enumeration.
  • pszNumber
    The pointer to the telephone number that is associated with the call.
  • pszName
    The pointer to the name that is associated with the call.
  • pszNameType
    Pointer to the name type that is associated with the call. For example, the letter w would correspond with the work telephone number, and the letter h would correspond with the home telephone number, and so on.
  • pszNote
    Pointer to the file name of the Notes file that is associated with the call, if such a Notes file exists.
  • dwLogFlags
    The call-log flags that indicate the type of call. This field is used to set the call type and will override if other parameters like fOutgoing, conflict with this value.
  • iodContact
    The object ID of the contact entry for which the call is logged. This is always NULL in the CALLOGENTRY structure returned in PhGetCallLogEntry.
  • pidProp
    The contact property identifier for this contact.


Header phone.h
Library phone.lib
Windows Mobile Pocket PC for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later, Smartphone for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also


Phone Structures