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SCOPE and DIRECTORY Predicates

Folder depth predicates control the scope of a search by specifying a path and whether to perform a deep or shallow traversal. The following shows the syntax of the folder depth predicates:

FROM SYSTEMINDEX WHERE[ "(SCOPE | DIRECTORY)"='(file | mapi | csc):<path>)'

The predicate must be enclosed in double quotes and followed by an equal sign. The path is exclosed in single quotes and must begin with a protocol and a colon. The SCOPE predicate performs a deep traversal of the path, including all subfolders while the DIRECTORY predicate does a shallow traversal of the folder specified only.


                FROM SYSTEMINDEX WHERE[ "DIRECTORY"='file:C:/Files/Reports'

The SCOPE example searches the C:\Files folder and all its subfolders. The DIRECTORY example searches only the root folder C:\Files\Reports.

Note  The file system backslashes '\' become a URL-style forward slash '/'.