다음을 통해 공유


A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


This function stops an editor from editing data on a specific session.


NTSTATUS DisassociateSession( 
  PVOID EditorHandle, 
  PVOID SessionHandle 


  • EditorHandle
    [in] Pointer that specifies the handle that identifies the editor to the network address translation (NAT) module.
  • SessionHandle
    [in] Handle to the session. Use this handle when calling the QueryInfoSession function.

Return Value

STATUS_SUCCESS indicates success. A non-zero value indicates failure.


DisassociateSession maintains all current port mappings. If you initialize a new session after calling DisassociateSession, a new connection is established; the previous connection is not renewed.

Standard NAT continues to occur after you call DisassociateSession. DisassociateSession is useful for protocols that require you to edit a specific packet early in the session, but not later packets.


Header natedit.h
Library coredll.dll
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also

