다음을 통해 공유

Print When Dialog Box

Makes it possible for you to set options for conditions that control output in report controls.


Depending on the setting of the _REPORTBUILDER system variable, this dialog may be replaced by an alternative user interface. For more information, see _REPORTBUILDER System Variable.

Specifies whether the report engine tracks changes between successive values of the report control's output and renders only when the value changes.

  • Yes
    Render output for the control every time the band is processed by the report engine.

  • No
    Render output for the control only if the value is different from the last time the control output was evaluated.

Also print

Specifies additional conditions for repeating report control values.

  • In first whole band of new page/column
    Specifies that the control output should be rendered if the band that contains it is rendering for the first time on a new page or column, overriding the setting of Print repeated values.

    For more information, see Working with Report Bands.

  • When this group changes
    Specifies that the control output should be rendered if a specific data group expression evaluates to a different value, overriding the setting of Print repeated values.


    Available only when at least one data group exists on the page layout.

    For more information, see Working with Report Data Groups.

  • When detail overflows to new page/column
    Specifies that the report control output be rendered when the band that contains it overflows to a new page or column.

Additional options

The following additional options make it possible for you to suppress blank lines and control output for report controls and data in report controls.

  • Remove line if blank
    Specifies that the report engine may contract the report band vertically if the evaluation of the report control results in no renderable content, and no other renderable controls occupy the empty space on either side of the control.

  • Print only when expression is true
    Specifies a logical expression that the report engine evaluates in order to decide whether to render output for the report control.


    When you add an expression to the Print only when expression is true box, all other options in the Print When dialog box become unavailable except the Remove line if blank box.

See Also


Expression Builder Dialog Box

Rectangle/Line Dialog Box

Report Designer

Report Expression Dialog Box

Other Resources

Dialog Boxes (Visual FoxPro)