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Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


This topic applies to Windows Vista or later.

The OnUserEvent method forwards custom events from the enhanced video renderer (EVR) filter.


  HRESULT OnUserEvent(
    long lEventCode



[in]  Event code.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


The purpose of this method is to forward custom events from an EVR presenter to the application through the Video Control.

  1. The presenter calls IMediaEventSink::Notify on the EVR with an event code of EC_USER or higher. (This range of values is reserved for custom graph events.)
  2. The EVR forwards the event to the Filter Graph Manager.
  3. The Filter Graph Manager forwards the event to the Video Control.
  4. The Video Control forwards the event to the application by calling OnUserEvent.

The dispatch identifier (dispid) of this method is dispidUserEvent.


  Header: Dshow.h.

  Library: Quartz.dll.

See Also