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A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


This structure defines the implementation of various SIM toolkit notifications.


typedef struct rilsimtoolkitnotifycaps_tag {
  DWORD cbSize;
  DWORD dwParams;
  DWORD dwRefresh;
  DWORD dwMoreTime;
  DWORD dwPollInterval;
  DWORD dwPollingOff;
  DWORD dwSetUpCall;
  DWORD dwSendSS;
  DWORD dwSendSMS;
  DWORD dwPlayTone;
  DWORD dwDisplayText;
  DWORD dwGetInkey;
  DWORD dwGetInput;
  DWORD dwSelectItem;
  DWORD dwSetupMenu;
  DWORD dwSetupIdleModeText;
  DWORD dwLocalInfo;
  DWORD dwNotifyFlags;
  DWORD dwSetupEventList;
  DWORD dwLaunchBrowser;
  DWORD dwOpenChannel;
  DWORD dwCloseChannel;
  DWORD dwReceiveData;
  DWORD dwSendData;
  DWORD dwTimerManagement;
  DWORD dwRunAtCmd;


  • cbSize
    Indicates the structure size, in bytes.
  • dwParams
    Specifies a bitfield that indicates what structure fields are valid for a given message.
  • dwRefresh
    Specifies the REFRESH SIM command implementation.
  • dwMoreTime
    Specifies the MORE TIME command implementation.
  • dwPollInterval
    Specifies the POLL INTERVAL command implementation.
  • dwPollingOff
    Specifies the POLLING OFF command implementation.
  • dwSetUpCall
    Specifies the SETUP CALL command implementation.
  • dwSendSS
    Specifies the SEND SS command implementation.
  • dwSendUSSD
    Specifies the SEND USSD command implementation.
  • dwSendSMS
    Specifies the SEND SMS command implementation.
  • dwPlayTone
    Specifies the PLAY TONE command implementation.
  • dwDisplayText
    Specifies the DISPLAY TEXT command implementation.
  • dwGetInkey
    Specifies the GET INKEY command implementation.
  • dwGetInput
    Specifies the GET INPUT command implementation.
  • dwSelectItem
    Specifies the SELECT ITEM command implementation.
  • dwSetupMenu
    Specifies the SETUP MENU command implementation.
  • dwSetupIdleModeText
    Specifies the SETUP IDLE MODE TEXT command implementation.
  • dwLocalInfo
    Specifies the LOCAL INFO command implementation.
  • dwNotifyFlags
    Specifies the SIM toolkit capabilities. Must be one or a combination of the caps SIM Toolkit constants.
  • dwSetupEventList
    Specifies the SETUP EVENT LIST command implementation.
  • dwSendDTMF
    Specifies the SEND DTMF command implementation.
  • dwLaunchBrowser
    Specifies the LAUNCH BROWSER command implementation.
  • dwOpenChannel
    Specifies the OPEN CHANNEL command implementation.
  • dwCloseChannel
    Specifies the CLOSE CHANNEL command implementation.
  • dwReceiveData
    Specifies the RECEIVE DATA command implementation.
  • dwSendData
    Specifies the SEND DATA command implementation.
  • dwTimerManagement
    Specifies the TIMER MANAGEMENT command implementation.
  • dwRunAtCmd
    Specifies the RUN AT COMMAND command implementation.
  • rstecEvents
    Contains the implementation details for events.


  • All the members of this structure except cbSize, dwParams, dwNotifyFlags, and rstecEventsuse the following constant values.

    Value Description


    Support for the features functionality is implemented by the device.


    Support for the features functionality is implemented by the radio without any notification sent to the device.


    Support for the features functionality is implemented by the radio and a notification is sent to the device.


    Support for the features functionality is implemented by the radio, but the device needs to ask for user approval.


Header ril.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later

See Also



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