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Ink.ClipboardCopy Method

Ink.ClipboardCopy Method

Copies an Ink object or Strokes collection to the Clipboard Leave Site.

Overload List

public IDataObject ClipboardCopy(InkClipboardFormats, InkClipboardModes)
public IDataObject ClipboardCopy(Rectangle, InkClipboardFormats, InkClipboardModes)
public IDataObject ClipboardCopy(Strokes, InkClipboardFormats, InkClipboardModes)


Caution: To avoid potential memory leaks as a result of using the DelayedCopy flag, call the SetDataObject Leave Site method of the Clipboard Leave Site object. This must be done before the application exits if the last call to the ClipboardCopy method used the DelayedCopy flag.

Important Security InformationSecurity Alert: If using under partial trust, this method requires UIPermissionClipboard.OwnClipboard Leave Site permission. See Security And Trust for more information.


See Also